Tax Engine - Lookup
Lookup is a utility to fetch value from the system or from a variable.
Source type is to specify the source of value.
If value of a field is to be picked from the current record (that is source table of the rule).
If value of a variable is to be picked. Variables of a rule can be created or viewed from the rule editor card.
If value of a field is to be picked from a table that is related to the current record / source table. This is very much like CALCFORMULA in AL.
Table Name : Specify the table from where the value is to be picked.
Table Filters : Specify the relationship between the current record and the table from where the value is to be picked.
Table Sorting : Sorting to be applied on table records. If sorting is specified, records will be sorted on Primary Key.
Field Name: Value is picked from this field based on the method you have selected.
Method :
- First: Value is picked from the first record.
- Last: Value is picked from the last record.
- Sum: Calculate sum of all values from a selected field after applying table filters.
- Average: Calculate average value from a selected field after applying table filters.
- Min: Min value from a selected field after applying table filters.
- Max: Max value from a selected field after applying table filters.
- Count: Count of records after applying table filters.
TIME, TODAY, WORKDATE, CURRENTDATETIME values can be picked from the current database.
Tax attributes defined with tax type can be picked.
Tax Component amounts computed can be picked from Tax Rates.
The value of a ‘Record variable’ field used in 'use case' variable can be picked.
‘Tax Component Percent’ captured from ‘Tax Rates’ can be picked.
Value of ‘Tax Rate Parameter’ captured from ‘Tax Rates’ can be picked.
Value of an attribute from existing table can be picked.
To get the helpers that can be used in posting of a document. (Ex- Dimension Set, General Posting Group’s, GL Entry No. of Tax ledger Entry).