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Best practices for holographic anchors

Keep the following points in mind when you work with holographic anchors:

  • Size. Select a holographic anchor that isn't too small or too large.

    • Medium-size digital objects are best, such as a shoebox size or slightly larger. Small or large holograms are difficult to manipulate.
  • Placement. Select a holographic anchor that is as close as possible to the center of the work that is being done. The farther you place digital content from the holographic anchor, the less accurate it becomes.

  • Shape. Select a holographic anchor that has a nonuniform or uncommon shape. Unusual shapes are easiest to align to.

    • Avoid objects that are mirrored, because they can cause 180-degree misalignment.

    • Select shapes that have clear edges and corners, to help orient your content correctly.

  • Recognizable. Select a holographic anchor that is obvious, easily recognizable, and easy for the operator to find. Make sure that the operator can access the object without encountering any obstructions.

  • Alignment direction. Always align the holographic anchor to your physical object from the same direction. In this way, you help maximize repeatability for operators.

    • Placement from different perspectives can cause misalignment.

    • Always look at the holographic anchor from multiple angles to make sure that it's aligned to the physical object.

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