Create linked role groups that mirror built-in role groups
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
Using linked management role groups in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, you can link a role group in an Exchange 2013 resource forest with a universal security group (USG) in a foreign user forest. This is useful when you want administrators with accounts in the user forest to manage the servers running Exchange in the resource forest. For more information about linked role groups, see Understanding management role groups.
By default, Exchange 2013 includes a number of built-in role groups that provide you with permissions to manage a variety of features and job functions. Each role group is tailored to provide specific permissions for each feature and job function. However, these role groups can't be linked to USGs in a foreign forest. They can only contain users and USGs from the local resource forest. Fortunately, it's possible to replicate these built-in role groups using linked role groups.
You can re-create each built-in role group as a linked role group. All of the management roles and management scopes assigned to each role group are added to the new linked role group. For more information about management roles and scopes, see the following topics:
Looking for other management tasks related to role groups? Check out Permissions.
What do you need to know before you begin?
Estimated time to complete each procedure: 10 minutes
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Role groups" entry in the Role management permissions topic.
You must use the Shell to perform these procedures.
Configuring a linked role group requires a one-way trust between the resource Active Directory forest in which the linked role group will reside, and the foreign Active Directory forest where the users or USGs reside. The resource forest must trust the foreign forest.
You must have the following information about the foreign Active Directory forest:
Credentials: You must have a username and password that can access the foreign Active Directory forest. This information is used with the LinkedCredential parameter on the New-RoleGroup cmdlet. This information is obtained by running the Get-Credential cmdlet. The format of the username is domain\username.
Domain controller: You must have the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an Active Directory domain controller in the foreign Active Directory forest. This information is used with the LinkedDomainController parameter on the New-RoleGroup cmdlet.
Foreign USG: You must have the full name of a USG in the foreign Active Directory forest that contains the members you want to associate with the linked role group. This information is used with the LinkedForeignGroup parameter on the New-RoleGroup cmdlet.
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Use the Shell to create linked role groups that replicate built-in role groups
Each of the following sections shows you how to re-create each role group as a linked role group. Complete the procedures in each section to re-create all of the built-in role groups as linked role groups.
Create the Organization Management linked role group
To re-create the Organization Management role group as a linked role group, you perform a procedure that's different than the procedure used to re-create other built-in role groups. This is because the Organization Management role group has delegating role assignments between it and all of the management roles. Re-creating the delegating role assignments requires an additional step.
Create a USG in the foreign forest that will be linked to the Organization Management role group.
Store the foreign Active Directory forest credentials in a variable.
$ForeignCredential = Get-Credential
Store all of the roles assigned to the Organization Management role group in a variable.
$OrgMgmt = Get-RoleGroup"Organization Management"
Create the Organization Management linked role group and add the roles assigned to the built-in Organization Management role group.
New-RoleGroup"Organization Management - Linked" -LinkedForeignGroup <name of foreign USG> -LinkedDomainController <FQDN of foreign Active Directory domain controller> -LinkedCredential$ForeignCredential -Roles$OrgMgmt.Roles
Remove all of the regular assignments between the new Organization Management linked role group and the My* end-user roles.
To re-create the built-in role groups (other than the Organization Management role group) as linked role groups, use the following procedure for each group.
Create a USG in the foreign forest for each role group that will be linked to each new role group.
Store the foreign Active Directory forest credentials in a variable. You only need to do this once.
$ForeignCredential = Get-Credential
Retrieve a list of role groups using the following cmdlet.
For each role group, other than the Organization Management role group, do the following.
$RoleGroup = Get-RoleGroup <name of role group to re-create>
New-RoleGroup"<role group name> - Linked" -LinkedForeignGroup <name of foreign USG> -LinkedDomainController <FQDN of foreign Active Directory domain controller> -LinkedCredential$ForeignCredential -Roles$RoleGroup.Roles
Repeat the preceding step for each built-in role group you want to re-create as a linked role group.
This example assumes the following values are used for each parameter:
Built-in role groups to be re-created as linked role groups: Recipient Management, Server Management
Foreign group for Recipient Management linked role group: Recipient Management Administrators
Foreign group for Server Management linked role group: Server Management Administrators
Using the preceding values, this example re-creates the Recipient Management and Server Management role groups as linked role groups.
This module provides instruction on how to create groups for distributing email to multiple users within Exchange Online. It also explains how to create groups to support collaboration in SharePoint Online.