Microsoft Learn for Organizations Boost your team's technical skills Access curated resources to upskill your team and close skills gaps.
Microsoft Learn for Organizations Boost your team's technical skills Access curated resources to upskill your team and close skills gaps.
Microsoft Learn for Organizations Boost your team's technical skills Access curated resources to upskill your team and close skills gaps.
Microsoft Learn for Organizations Boost your team's technical skills Access curated resources to upskill your team and close skills gaps.
Training Module Implement multi-session experiences in Dynamics 365 Customer Service - Training Create targeted app experiences for representatives and supervisors with the Dynamics 365 Customer Service admin center app, implementing multi-session deployments.
Documentation Invites across Xbox One Software Development Kit/GDK title versions - Microsoft Game Development Kit How to support multiplayer invites and joining across Xbox One Software Development Kit and GDK title versions. Sending invites - Microsoft Game Development Kit Provides example code for sending multiplayer invites. Send game invites by using Multiplayer Manager - Microsoft Game Development Kit Describes how to use Multiplayer Manager so a player can send game invites to other players to join a game. Invites concepts (contents) - Microsoft Game Development Kit Provides conceptual information about multiplayer invites. XGameInvite (API contents) - Microsoft Game Development Kit Reference material for XGameInvite APIs. XGameInviteEventCallback - Microsoft Game Development Kit A callback an application defines for a game invite event. XGameInviteRegisterForEvent - Microsoft Game Development Kit Registers a callback for a game invite event. Sending invites to another player (flowchart) - Microsoft Game Development Kit Provides a flowchart that shows inviting another player so that they can join the game. Show 5 more