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XR-037: Dependencies on Content Packages *

Version 1.0, 12/01/2023

Purchase of add-on content (durable or consumable) must not be required for users to complete any of the main features or content of the base game. Optional content packages must not have dependencies on other optional content packages. That is, a user must not be required to download additional content packages in order to use a content package. Game saves with unique content tied to add-on content must still load on the base game or provide clear messaging explaining why it cannot be loaded.

More Information

The key aspects of this requirement are:

  1. Users must not be required to purchase add-on content to complete the main features of the base game.
  2. Users must not be required to purchase additional add-content to use another content package. Add-on content must be usable independently from other add-on content.
  3. Game saves with unique content tied to add-on content must still load on the base game or provide clear messaging explaining why it cannot be loaded. As a best practice, the messaging should include a prompt to download the content if already owned or prompt the user for potential purchase if not owned.
  4. Titles that support add-on content required for multiplayer gameplay must provide clear messaging to users who do not have the content installed.

Implementation Guidance and Best Practices

Ideally, games gracefully handle the situation when the user previously played with add-on content that is now removed and lets the user load and continue from their game save. If this is not possible, games must clearly message the user indicating that the content needs to be installed to load the game save. Titles can query to see if the user has an entitlement to that content and either:

  1. Prompt the user to download the specific content if already owned.
  2. Prompt the user for potential purchase of that content if not owned.

Certification Test Cases

037-01 No Content Package Save-Game Dependencies for Base Title

Test Steps

  1. Sign in to an Xbox profile and launch the title.
  2. Attempt to access all features and content of the base title. Verify that the user is not required to download any add-on content.
  3. Download an available content package that can be used within the title.
  4. Load and use the content package, progressing far enough to create a content-based game save.
  5. Return to Home and delete the content package.
  6. Launch the title again.
  7. Ensure that the game save can be loaded successfully, and that gameplay can continue, or that the user is clearly informed why it cannot continue.
  8. Messaging must be clear and inform the user specifically how to troubleshoot the issue.
  9. Repeat Steps [1]-[8] with all other supported content packages.

Expected Result
Users must be able to complete any of the main features and/or content of the base title without needing to purchase add-on content. Titles must function correctly, or clearly inform the user why they cannot function correctly, after a user deletes a content package.

Pass Examples

  1. The user is able to complete all features and content included with the base title without needing to purchase add-on content. All aspects of the title can be played without issue after the user deletes a content package.
  2. After creating a save within an area provided by the content package and then subsequently deleting the content package, the game clearly messages the user indicating that content x needs to be installed to load the game save. Titles can also query to see if the user has an entitlement to that content and either:
  • Prompt the user to download the specific content if already owned.
  • Prompt the user for potential purchase of that content if not owned.

Fail Examples

  1. The user is forced to purchase add-on content in order to complete features or content included in the base title. After the user downloads content package 1 and content package 2 during Step [3], the ability to use content package 2 in-game is lost if content package 1 is then deleted.
  2. If a content save game dependency exists and the content is not installed, the game does not clearly message the user indicating that the content needs to be installed to load the game save.

037-02 No Dependencies on Other Content Packages**

Test Steps

  1. Sign in to an Xbox profile.
  2. Launch the title.
  3. Download a single piece of add-on content that the title supports.
  4. Attempt to use the content within the title.
  5. Verify that the user is not required to download additional content in order to make use of the content from step [3].
  6. Exit the title and delete the content from Step [3].
  7. Repeat Steps [2] - [6] for each piece of content supported by the title.

Expected Result
Users must not be required to download additional content packages in order to use a content package. Content packages must be usable in their own right.

Pass Examples

  1. The title does not require the user to download additional content in order to use a separate content package.

Fail Examples

  1. A user is required to download additional content in order to use a separate content package.

037-03 DLC Dependency

Test Steps

  1. Sign in to an Xbox profile.
  2. Download downloadable content (DLC) for the title.
  3. Progress into gameplay and save progress using the DLC.
  4. Exit title.
  5. Remove DLC from console.
  6. Launch the title and attempt to access saved progress.

Expected Result
Title gracefully handles the presence of a game save that was created with DLC if that DLC is no longer installed.

Pass Examples

  1. User is able to load his or her saved progress and interact with the title without issue.
  2. User is notified that specific DLC is required to access his or her saved game.

Fail Examples

  1. Title becomes unusable when the DLC is not present.
  2. User is unable to access saved progress and does not receive notification as to the reason.

037-04 Multiplayer DLC

Test Steps

  1. Sign in to an Xbox profile.
  2. Launch the title.
  3. Console A: Download all available downloadable content that is usable in multiplayer gameplay.
  4. Console A: Host an Xbox game session using the downloadable content (levels, characters, cars, tracks, and so on).
  5. Console B: Attempt to join the game session created by Console A using all possible methods.
  6. If it is not possible to join the game session, verify that clear indication is given explaining or easily inferring why it is not possible to join.
  7. Repeat Steps [3] - [6] for all game modes.
  8. Repeat Steps [3] - [6] with Console B as the host.

Expected Result
Titles that support downloadable content required for multiplayer gameplay must provide a clear indication to users who do not have the downloadable content installed.

Pass Examples

  1. Users are given proper messaging when attempting to join sessions with DLC requirements if they do not meet the requirements and are provided information on how to resolve the issue (download, re-download, etc.).
  2. Through the use of icons and / or other on-screen elements, users are given clear notification when attempting to join sessions with DLC requirements if they do not meet the requirements and are provided, or can easily infer, information on how to resolve the issue (download, re-download, etc.).
  3. Users who meet the DLC requirements for a multiplayer match are able to join the sessions and play.

Fail Examples

  1. Users who do not meet the DLC requirements of a multiplayer session are not given clear visual indication of the DLC requirement and how to resolve it.
  2. Users who meet DLC requirements of a multiplayer session are not able to join together.