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GameMessage (JSON)

A JSON object defining data for a message in a game session's message queue.

The GameMessage JSON object has the following specification.

Member Type Description
data array of 8-bit unsigned integers The Base64-encoded data that the game client wants to send to the other game clients. This value is opaque to the server.
senderXuid 64-bit unsigned integer The Xbox user ID of the player sending the message.
sequenceNumber 32-bit signed integer The sequence number of the game message. This value is assigned by the server. Sequence numbers are guaranteed to be monotonically increasing, but might not be consecutive. Sequence numbers are unique within a message queue, but not between message queues.
queueIndex 32-bit signed integer The index of the session message queue for the message. Possible values are 0-3.
timeStamp DateTime Time when the game message was created in the queue by the server, in UTC.

Sample JSON syntax

    "queueIndex": 0,
    "sequenceNumber": 5,
    "senderXuid": 65536,
    "timestamp": "2011-06-23T18:49:50Z",
    "data": null

See also


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Object Reference


GameSession (JSON)