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MatchTicket (JSON)

A JSON object representing a match ticket, used by players to locate other players through the multiplayer session directory (MPSD).

The MatchTicket JSON object has the following specification.

Member Type Description
serviceConfig GUID Service configuration identifier (SCID) for the session.
hopperName string Name of the hopper in which this ticket should be placed.
giveUpDuration 32-bit signed integer Maximum wait time (integral number of seconds).
preserveSession enumeration A value indicating if the session must be reused as the session into which to match. Possible values are "always" or "never".
ticketSessionRef MultiplayerSessionReference MultiplayerSessionReference object for the session in which the player or group is currently playing. This member is always required.
ticketAttributes array of objects Collection of user-provided attributes and values about the tickets for the players.
players array of objects Collection of player objects, each with a property bag of user-provided attributes.

Sample JSON syntax

        "serviceConfig": "07617C5B-3423-4505-B6C6-10A16E1E5DDB",
        "hopperName": "TestHopper",
        "giveUpDuration": 10,
        "preserveSession": "never",
        "ticketSessionRef": {
        "scid": "AFFEABDF-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
        "templateName": "TestTemplate",
        "sessionName": "5E551041-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
    "ticketAttributes": {
        "desiredMap": "Test Map",
        "desiredGameType": "Test GameType"
    "players": [
            "xuid": 123412345123,
            "playerAttributes": {
                "skill": 5,
                "ageRange": "teenager"
          "xuid": 123412345124,
          "playerAttributes": {
              "skill": 15,
              "ageRange": "twenty-something"

See also


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Object Reference