MatchTicket (JSON)
A JSON object representing a match ticket, used by players to locate other players through the multiplayer session directory (MPSD).
The MatchTicket JSON object has the following specification.
Member | Type | Description |
serviceConfig | GUID | Service configuration identifier (SCID) for the session. |
hopperName | string | Name of the hopper in which this ticket should be placed. |
giveUpDuration | 32-bit signed integer | Maximum wait time (integral number of seconds). |
preserveSession | enumeration | A value indicating if the session must be reused as the session into which to match. Possible values are "always" or "never". |
ticketSessionRef | MultiplayerSessionReference | MultiplayerSessionReference object for the session in which the player or group is currently playing. This member is always required. |
ticketAttributes | array of objects | Collection of user-provided attributes and values about the tickets for the players. |
players | array of objects | Collection of player objects, each with a property bag of user-provided attributes. |
"serviceConfig": "07617C5B-3423-4505-B6C6-10A16E1E5DDB",
"hopperName": "TestHopper",
"giveUpDuration": 10,
"preserveSession": "never",
"ticketSessionRef": {
"scid": "AFFEABDF-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"templateName": "TestTemplate",
"sessionName": "5E551041-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
"ticketAttributes": {
"desiredMap": "Test Map",
"desiredGameType": "Test GameType"
"players": [
"xuid": 123412345123,
"playerAttributes": {
"skill": 5,
"ageRange": "teenager"
"xuid": 123412345124,
"playerAttributes": {
"skill": 15,
"ageRange": "twenty-something"