claimsMapping resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
After the custom identity provider sends an ID token back to Azure AD B2C, Azure AD B2C maps the claims from a token to the claims that Azure AD B2C recognizes and uses.
Property | Type | Description |
displayName | String | The claim that provides the display name or full name for the user. Required. |
String | The claim that provides the email address of the user. | |
givenName | String | The claim that provides the first name of the user. |
surname | String | The claim that provides the last name of the user. |
userId | String | The claim that provides the unique identifier for the signed-in user. Required. |
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"displayName": "String",
"email": "String",
"givenName": "String",
"surname": "String",
"userId": "String"