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Support for ContentTopic in ComplianceEvents

When content is shared, commented or liked from  "What people are talking about now" section on application, the target of the activity is a ContentTopic Urn of type "urn:li:contentTopic:{id}" . This object is now expanded in Compliance Events API. The schema and example output is shown below.

ContentTopic URN Schema

Field Name Object Type Description
auditStamps optional AuditStamp ChangeAuditStamps for this ContentTopic.
headline optional string A one-liner description of what this ContentTopic is about.
id long The id of this content topic.
imageUrn optional DigitalmediaAssetUrn An image urn associated with this content topic. 
locale optional Locale The Locale for the String fields (name, headline, summary)
name string The name of this content topic
state optional enum string The state of the content topic. Used to denote where in the workflow this content topic is. Can be one of following:
  • DRAFT: This interest is not ready for prime time yet. It is a work in progress
  • ACTIVE*: This interest is active. LinkedIn members can interact with it.
  • EXPIRED: An editor has determined that this Interest is expired, or no longer relevant to any member.
  • FLAGGED: This interest is flagged for review. Most likely the items in the Interest Feed are spammy / low quality / offensive

    *In Compliance Events API scenario, you should only experience: ACTIVE.
  • summary optional string A short description of what this ContentTopic is about. Usually no more than a paragraph.

    schema format of Content Topic urn decoration response

        "object": "urn:li:contentTopic:1234567", 
        "object~": {
            "auditStamps": {
                "created": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:person:XXXXX", 
                    "time": 1533174398091
                "lastModified": {
                    "actor": "urn:li:person:XXXXX", 
                    "time": 1533178068519
            "headline": "Testing ContentTopic", 
            "id": 1234567, 
            "imageUrn": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E1AAQFOlhSrzsV6GQ", 
            "locale": {
                "country": "US", 
                "language": "en"
            "name": "Test ContentTopic", 
            "state": "ACTIVE", 
            "summary": "<p>This is a test content"

    ContentTopic URNs appear mostly in object fields in Social Actions and UGC Post resources.