Support for ContentTopic in ComplianceEvents
When content is shared, commented or liked from "What people are talking about now" section on application, the target of the activity is a ContentTopic Urn of type "urn:li:contentTopic:{id}" . This object is now expanded in Compliance Events API. The schema and example output is shown below.
Field Name | Object Type | Description |
auditStamps | optional AuditStamp | ChangeAuditStamps for this ContentTopic. |
headline | optional string | A one-liner description of what this ContentTopic is about. |
id | long | The id of this content topic. |
imageUrn | optional DigitalmediaAssetUrn | An image urn associated with this content topic. |
locale | optional Locale | The Locale for the String fields (name, headline, summary) |
name | string | The name of this content topic |
state | optional enum string | The state of the content topic. Used to denote where in the workflow this content topic is. Can be one of following: *In Compliance Events API scenario, you should only experience: ACTIVE. |
summary | optional string | A short description of what this ContentTopic is about. Usually no more than a paragraph. |
"object": "urn:li:contentTopic:1234567",
"object~": {
"auditStamps": {
"created": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:XXXXX",
"time": 1533174398091
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:XXXXX",
"time": 1533178068519
"headline": "Testing ContentTopic",
"id": 1234567,
"imageUrn": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E1AAQFOlhSrzsV6GQ",
"locale": {
"country": "US",
"language": "en"
"name": "Test ContentTopic",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"summary": "<p>This is a test content"
ContentTopic URNs appear mostly in object fields in Social Actions and UGC Post resources.