Sync Application Interview Feedback
Application interview feedback should be sent via the Middleware Platform whenever they are created or updated in your ATS. Use both your application identifier and interview feedback identifier when syncing application interview feedback via API.
Throttle Limits | Requests Per Day (UTC) | Records Per Minute |
Application maximum | 100,000 | 10,000 |
Please submit batch calls grouped with no more than 100 records in sequential order.
Use the following endpoint to create and update application interview feedback:
PUT{id1}&dataProvider=ATS&integrationContext={organization URN}/interviewFeedback?ids=INTFB123&ids=INTFB456
Field | Description | Format | Required |
atsCreatedAt | Date record was created in your ATS | UTC Epoch Milliseconds | No |
interviewer | The person who interviewed the candidate and wrote this evaluation. | Actor | No |
evaluations | A list of final evaluations for this interview. Example of evaluations would be a final recommendation or an interview score. | InterviewEvaluation[] | No |
feedback | General feedback about the interview. | string | No |
interviewType | Indicates which type of the interview the feedback was for. | Possible values are: PHONE_SCREEN or ONSITE | No |
Field | Description | Format | Required |
firstName | The first name of the actor. | String | Required |
lastName | The last name of the actor | String | Required |
Field | Description | Format | Required |
attribute | The descriptive name about the qualification the candidate was evaluated for, for example "Verbal Communication", "Technical Qualifications". | String | Required |
result | The result of the evaluation, could be a final recommendation or an interview score. | String | Optional |
Authorization: Bearer {token}
x-restli-method: batch_update
Request Body:
"entities": {
"INTFB123": {
"atsCreatedAt": 1484864187000,
"evaluations": [
"attribute": "Verbal Communication",
"result": "4/5"
"feedback": "Lorem Ipsum.",
"interviewer": {
"firstName": "Angela",
"lastName": "Smith"
"interviewType": "PHONE_SCREEN"
"INTFB456": {
"atsCreatedAt": 1484864187000,
"evaluations": [
"attribute": "Culture Fit",
"result": "Good fit"
"feedback": "Lorem Ipsum moreum.",
"interviewer": {
"firstName": "Bobby",
"lastName": "Hill"
"interviewType": "ONSITE"
A successful request will return a 200 OK
response code, and you will find the status of each entity in the response body.
"errors": {},
"results": {
"INTFB123": {
"status": 204
"INTFB456": {
"status": 204
- Be sure to check the response for error statuses corresponding to individual entities you submit.
Perform HTTP DELETE on the endpoint /atsApplications/{JobApplicationIdentifier}/interviewFeedback to delete interviews. More information is available here.