How to Delete an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action
You delete an operating system deployment task sequence action, in Configuration Manager, by removing the action from the task sequence steps.
Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see SMS Provider fundamentals.
Obtain a task sequence (SMS_TaskSequence) object. For more information, see How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence.
Remove the action from the
array property.
The following example method deletes an action from the task sequence. The action is identified as an action by checking the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) property __SUPERCLASS to ensure it derives from SMS_TaskSequenceAction.
For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.
Sub RemoveAction (connection, taskSequence, actionName)
Dim i
Dim newArray
Dim actionStep
If taskSequence.SystemProperties_("__CLASS")<>"SMS_TaskSequence" Then
wscript.echo "Not a task sequence"
Exit Sub
End If
if IsNull(taskSequence.Steps) Then
Wscript.Echo "No steps"
Exit Sub
End If
' Create an array to hold copied steps.
newArray = Array(taskSequence.Steps)
ReDim newArray(UBound(taskSequence.Steps))
' Copy the steps into the array and remove the matching action.
for each actionStep in taskSequence.Steps
If actionStep.Name = actionName and _
actionStep.SystemProperties_("__SUPERCLASS") = "SMS_TaskSequence_Action" Then
ReDim preserve newArray(UBound(newArray)-1) ' shrink the Array
Set newArray(i)=actionStep ' copy it
End If
' Assign new array back to the task sequence.
End Sub
public void RemoveAction(
IResultObject taskSequence,
string actionName)
// Get a list of steps.
List<IResultObject> actionSteps = taskSequence.GetArrayItems("Steps");
// Find the action to be deleted.
foreach (IResultObject actionStep in actionSteps)
if (actionStep["Name"].StringValue == actionName && actionStep["__SUPERCLASS"].StringValue == "SMS_TaskSequence_Action")
// Delete the action.
// Update the task sequence.
taskSequence.SetArrayItems("Steps", actionSteps);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to remove action: " + e.Message);
The example method has the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Connection |
- Managed:WqlConnectionManager - VBScript: SWbemServices |
A valid connection to the SMS Provider. |
taskSequence |
- Managed: IResultObject - VBScript: SWbemObject |
The task sequence containing the action to be deleted. |
actionName |
- Managed: String - VBScript: String |
The name of the action to be deleted. This can be obtained from the SMS_TaskSequenceAction.Name property. |
This C# example requires:
For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.
For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.
Objects overview
How to Add an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action
How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using Managed Code
How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using WMI
Task sequence overview