SMB Top Talkers
The SMB Top Talkers view Layout for Charts provides statistical summary data for the top IP conversations in a set of trace results. It enables you to obtain statistics such as the message count, conversation payload length in bytes, data transmission rate, conversation duration, and others, for the top IP conversations (denoted by address pairs) in a set of trace results. The Layout uses a Table grid visualizer component that provides this information in the following columns of data:
AddressPair — specifies the IP address of the computers that participated in an IP conversation.
Count — specifies the number of messages that were exchanged in each conversation.
Bytes — based on the PayloadLength property of any module that defines this field, the values in this column specify the total payload byte volume of all messages (containing this property) that are associated with each IP conversation.
KBPS — provides an indication of the data transmission rate in kilobytes-per-second for the messages in an IP conversation.
Duration — specifies the delta between the StartTime and EndTime values.
StartTime — specifies the time at which the first message in a conversation group began.
EndTime — specifies the time at which the last message in a conversation group ended.
K — a chart constant to facilitate calculation of the KBPS values; can be ignored.
BPS — provides an indication of the data transmission rate in bytes-per-second for the messages in an IP conversation.
This Layout also contains an SMB or SMB2
view Filter that is automatically applied in the background in order to focus the results on SMB and SMB2 messages only.
The statistics you can obtain from this Table visualizer component that are useful in troubleshooting the SMB/SMB2 protocols include:
Message volume per conversation
Top bandwidth consumers
Data transmission rates
The time taken to complete conversations
Interactive Analysis
This Layout is intended to work with the SMB Flat view Layout of the Analysis Grid viewer and the File Sharing SMB/SMB2 view Layout of the Grouping viewer to create an integrated and interactive analysis environment. You will be able to correlate the data most effectively if you have these viewers and Layouts displayed. Note that these viewers and Layouts are configured in all four of the File Sharing SMB Profiles and will display after you load data from a .cap, .etl, .pcapng, or .pcap file, provided that you enabled the appropriate Profile on the Profiles tab of the Options dialog (accessible from the global Message Analyzer Tools menu).
For example, to interactively analyze SMB and SMB2 messages, you can drive the display of these messages into the Analysis Grid viewer by double-clicking any row of data for a particular conversation in the SMB Top Talkers view Layout. Thereafter, you can review SMB status information for any message in the Summary column of the Analysis Grid viewer along with message fields and values in the Details Tool Window. The File Sharing SMB/SMB2 Layout for the Grouping viewer also enables a greater interactive context with additional enhancements to the analysis process.
More Information
To learn more about interactively analyzing SMB/SMB2 data with the indicated viewing and Layout configurations, see the following topics:
Applying and Managing Analysis Grid Viewer Layouts — see the SMB Flat Layout in this topic.
Grouping Viewer — see the File Sharing SMB/SMB2 Layout in this topic.
Working With Message Analyzer Profiles — see the File Sharing SMB Profile in the table of this topic to review a related usage scenario and analysis example and to learn how to manually display the Grouping and Chart viewers with the Layouts defined in this Profile.