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Asynchronous operations

Applies To: # OData client v7 supportedOData Client V7 OData Client V7

All samples in this doc are based on the Trippin Service. You can follow "How to use OData Client Code Generator to generate client-side proxy class" to generate the client proxy file.

OData Client for .NET provides a serial of Begin/End methods to support asynchronous operations, such as executing queries and saving changes. Each Begin method takes a state parameter that can pass a state object to the callback. This state object is retrieved from the IAsyncResult that is supplied with the callback and is used to call the corresponding End method to complete the asynchronous operation.

OData Client for .NET (from 6.4.0) also provides another set of asynchronous APIs in .NET 4.0 format, like ExecuteAsync;

Asynchronous Query

Query an Entity Set

DataServiceQuery<TElement> provides BeginExecute and EndExecute methods to support query a collection of entities

    DefaultContainer dsc = new DefaultContainer(new Uri("https://services.odata.org/V4/(S(uvf1y321yx031rnxmcbqmlxw))/TripPinServiceRW/"));

    public void AsyncQueryAnEntitySet()
        var people = dsc.People;
        people.BeginExecute(ReadingPeople, people);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

    public void ReadingPeople(IAsyncResult ar)
        var peopleQuery = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<Person>;
        if (peopleQuery != null)
            var people = peopleQuery.EndExecute(ar);
            if (people != null)
                foreach (var p in people)

The EndExecute API returns an IEnumerable<Person>.

You also can use DataServiceQuery<TElement>.ExecuteAsync to query an entity set.

    public async Task AsyncAPIGetEntitySet()
        var response = await dsc.People.ExecuteAsync();
        foreach (var p in (response as QueryOperationResponse<Person>))

Query an Entity Set with Paging

DataServiceContext provides BeginExecute method which could take a DataServiceQueryContinuation<TElement> parameter to get the next page of data in a paged query result.

    public void AsyncQueryAnEntitySetWithPaging()
        var people = dsc.People;
        people.BeginExecute(ReadingPeople, people);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

    public void ReadingPeople(IAsyncResult ar)
        var peopleQuery = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<Person>;
        if (peopleQuery != null)
            var response = peopleQuery.EndExecute(ar) as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
            if (response != null)
                foreach (var p in response)

            var continuation = response.GetContinuation();
            if (continuation != null)
                dsc.BeginExecute(continuation, ReadingContinuation, dsc);

    public void ReadingContinuation(IAsyncResult ar)
        var dsc = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceContext;
        if (dsc != null)
            var response = dsc.EndExecute<Person>(ar) as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
            if (response != null)
                foreach (var p in response)

            var continuation = response.GetContinuation();
            if (continuation != null)
                dsc.BeginExecute(continuation, ReadingContinuation, dsc);

You also can use DataServiceContext.ExecuteAsync to get the next page of an entity set.

    public async Task AsyncAPIPaging()
        var response = (await dsc.People.ExecuteAsync()) as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
        foreach (var p in response)

        var continuation = response.GetContinuation();
        while (continuation != null)
            response = (await dsc.ExecuteAsync(continuation)) as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
            foreach (var p in response)
            continuation = response.GetContinuation();

Query a Single Entity

DataServiceContext provides BeginGetValue and EndGetValue methods to support querying a single entity

    public void AsyncQueryAnEntitySet()
        var person = dsc.People.ByKey("russellwhyte");
        person.BeginGetValue(ReadingPerson, person);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

    public void ReadingPerson(IAsyncResult ar)
        var personQuery = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceQuerySingle<Person>;
        if (personQuery != null)
            var person = personQuery.EndGetValue(ar);

Or, you can use DataServiceContext.GetValueAsync to support such query.

    public async Task AsyncAPIGetSingleEntity()
        var russell = await dsc.People.ByKey("russellwhyte").GetValueAsync();

Query Navigation property

Expand method of DataServiceQuery<TElement> provides a way to query related entities. But if you want to query the navigation property separately, DataServiceContext provides LoadProperty method to support it. BeginLoadProperty and EndLoadProperty methods are the related asynchronous APIs.

    public void AsyncQueryNavigationProperty()
        var me = dsc.Me.GetValue();
        dsc.BeginLoadProperty(me, "Trips", ReadingTrips, dsc);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

    public void ReadingTrips(IAsyncResult ar)
        var dsc = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceContext;
        if (dsc != null)
            var response = dsc.EndLoadProperty(ar);

            if (response != null)
                foreach (Trip t in response)

You can also use DataServiceContext.LoadPropertyAsync to query the related properties.

    public async Task AsyncAPIGetNavigation()
        var me = await dsc.Me.GetValueAsync();
        await dsc.LoadPropertyAsync(me, "Trips");
        foreach(var t in me.Trips)

Query a Batch

DataServiceContext provides BeginExecuteBatch to put several query in a batch. The queries are specified as DataServiceRequest<TElement> instances. The EndExecuteBatch returns a DataServiceResponse that represents the response of the batch request as a whole. Individual query responses are represented as DataServiceResponse objects that can be accessed by enumerating the DataServiceResponse instance.

    public void AsyncQueryBatch()
        var requests = new DataServiceRequest[]
        dsc.BeginExecuteBatch(ReadingBatch, dsc, requests);


    public void ReadingBatch(IAsyncResult ar)
        var dsc = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceContext;

        var response = dsc.EndExecuteBatch(ar);
        foreach (var r in response)
            var people = r as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
            if (people != null)
                foreach (Person p in people)

            var airlines = r as QueryOperationResponse<Airline>;
            if (airlines != null)
                foreach (var airline in airlines)

Or, you can use ExecuteBatchAsync to do the same thing.

public async Task AsyncAPIExecuteBatch()
        var requests = new DataServiceRequest[]
        var response = await dsc.ExecuteBatchAsync(requests);

        foreach (var r in response)
            var people = r as QueryOperationResponse<Person>;
            if (people != null)
                foreach (Person p in people)

            var airlines = r as QueryOperationResponse<Airline>;
            if (airlines != null)
                foreach (var airline in airlines)

Create/Update/Delete an Entity or a relationship

DataServiceContext provides BeginSaveChanges and EndSavechanges methods to asynchronously submits the pending changes to the data service. Changes are added to the DataServiceContext by calling AddObject, UpdateObject, DeleteObject, AddLink, DeleteLink SetLink, SetSaveStream, etc.

You can use the SaveChangesOption to control whether you need to send a batch request.

Create an entity

    DefaultContainer dsc = new DefaultContainer(new Uri("https://services.odata.org/V4/(S(uvf1y321yx031rnxmcbqmlxw))/TripPinServiceRW/"));

    public void AsyncCreatePerson()
        var person = new Person()
            FirstName = "Tom",
            LastName = "White",
            UserName = "TomWhite",

        dsc.BeginSaveChanges(CreatingPerson, dsc);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

    public void CreatingPerson(IAsyncResult ar)
        var dsc = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceContext;
        if (dsc != null)
            var response = dsc.EndSaveChanges(ar);

Update an entity

    public void AsyncUpdatePerson()
    // Get the single entity first.
        var personQuery = dsc.People.ByKey("TomWhite");

        var ar = personQuery.BeginGetValue(null, null);
        var person = personQuery.EndGetValue(ar);

        person.LastName = "Bourne";
        dsc.BeginSaveChanges(ChangingPerson, dsc);

        //Waiting for the Begin/End finished.

Delete an entity

The code is almost the same with that in Update an entity part, you only need to change the update part to dsc.DeleteObject(person);

DataServiceContext.BeginSaveChanges can submit the pending changes of relationships modification to service. The code is almost same as before.

Use Async APIs to modify a entity

DataServiceContext provides SaveChangesAsync to support all the modification operation.

    public async Task AsyncModifyEntity()
        var person = new Person()
            FirstName = "Alica",
            LastName = "White",
            UserName = "TomWhite",

        await dsc.SaveChangesAsync();

        person.FirstName = "Tom";
        await dsc.SaveChangesAsync();

        await dsc.SaveChangesAsync();

Read Stream

DataServiceContext provides BeginGetReadStream and EndGetReadStream to support asynchronously requesting the binary data stream that belongs to the requested entity.

    public void ReadingStream(IAsyncResult ar)
        var dsc = ar.AsyncState as DataServiceContext;
        var receiveStream = dsc.EndGetReadStream(ar).Stream;
        var sr = new StreamReader(receiveStream).ReadToEnd();


    public void AsyncAPIGetReadStream()
        var task = dsc.Photos.ByKey(1).GetValueAsync();

        dsc.GetReadStreamAsync(task.Result, new DataServiceRequestArgs());
You also can use `GetReadStreamAsync` to get the binary data.

    public async Task AsyncAPIGetReadStream()
        var task = dsc.Photos.ByKey(1).GetValueAsync();

        var stream = (await dsc.GetReadStreamAsync(task.Result, new DataServiceRequestArgs())).Stream;
        var sr = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
