Applies To: # OData client v7 supportedOData Client V7 OData Client V7


There are 2 ways to download and install the OData CLI

  • dotnet global tool:

    To install the latest release of the OData CLI Nuget Package, use the dotnet tool install command

    dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.OData.Cli --version 0.1.0
  • Direct Download:

    You can download the binary files from this GitHub Release and use them directly to generate code.


odata-cli [-h|--help] [--version] <command>


odata-cli is a CLI tool that generates strongly-typed C# and Visual Basic client code for a specified OData service. It generates a DataServiceContext class to interact with the service and CLR types for each entity type and complex type in the service model.


  • version

    Displays the version of the odata-cli

  • -h|--help

    Shows the command-line help



It generates strongly typed C# and Visual Basic client code for a specified OData service.


odata-cli generate [-h|--help] [-m|--metadata-uri] [-fn|--file-name] [-h|--custom-headers] [-p}--proxy] [-ns|--namespace-prefix] [-ucc|--upper-camel-case] [-i|--internal] [--multiple-files] [-eoi|--excluded-operation-imports] [-ebo|--excluded-bound-operations] [-est|--excluded-schema-types] [-o|--outputdir]


  • --metadata-uri|-m

    The URI of the metadata document. The value must be set to a valid service document URI or a local file path. This is a required option

  • --file-name|-fn

    The name of the generated file. If not provided, then the default name 'Reference.cs/.vb' is used.

  • --custom-headers|-h

    Headers that will get sent along with the request when fetching the metadata document from the service. Format: Header1:HeaderValue, Header2:HeaderValue.

  • --proxy|-p

    Proxy settings. Format: domain\\user:password@SERVER:PORT.

  • --namespace-prefix|-ns

    The namespace of the client code generated. Example: NorthWindService.Client or it could be a name related to the OData endpoint that you are generating code for.

  • --upper-camel-case|-ucc

    Transforms names (class and property names) to upper camel-case so that to better conform with C# naming conventions.

  • --internal|-i

    Applies the internal class modifier on generated classes instead of public thereby making them invisible outside the assembly.

  • --multiple-files

    Split the generated classes into separate files instead of generating all the code in a single file.

  • --excluded-operation-imports|-eoi

    Comma-separated list of the names of operation imports to exclude from the generated code. Example: ExcludedOperationImport1, ExcludedOperationImport2.

  • --excluded-bound-operations|-ebo

    Comma-separated list of the names of bound operations to exclude from the generated code. Example: BoundOperation1, BoundOperation2.

  • --excluded-schema-types|-est

    Comma-separated list of the names of entity types to exclude from the generated code. Example: EntityType1, EntityType2, EntityType3.

  • --ignore-unexpected-elements|-iue

    This flag indicates whether to ignore unexpected elements and attributes in the metadata document and generate the client code if any

  • --outputdir|-o

    Full path to output directory. This could be an empty directory or a directory with a .csproj/.vbproj file. This is a required option.


odata-cli generate -m "http://localhost/odata" -o "link-to-output-directory"

The metadata-uri could be a link to an OData endpoint or a link to an xml file in your local computer file system.

The output directory can be a link a to an empty folder or a link to a project folder (a folder with the .csproj file).