There are several kinds of OData payload, includes service document, model metadata, feed, entry, entity references(s), complex value(s), primitive value(s). OData Core library is designed to write and read all these payloads.
We'll go through each kind of payload here. But first, we'll set up the necessary code that is common to all kind of payload.
Class ODataMessageWriter is the entrance class to write the OData Payload.
To construct an ODataMessageWriter instance, you'll need to provide an IODataResponseMessage, or IODataRequestMessage, depends on if you are writing a response or a request.
OData Core library provides no implementation of these two interfaces, because it is different in different scenario.
Here is the whole program that use SampleModelBuilder and InMemoryMessage to write metadata payload:
IEdmModel model = builder
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
InMemoryMessage message = new InMemoryMessage() {Stream = stream};
ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings();
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataResponseMessage) message, settings, model);
string output =Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());
Now we'll go through on each kind of payload.
Write metadata
Write metadata is simple, just use WriteMetadataDocument method in ODataMessageWriter.
Please be noticed that this API only works when:
Writing response message, that means when constructing the ODataMessageWriter, you must supply IODataRequestMessage.
A model is supplied when constructing ODataMessageWriter.
So the following two examples won't work.
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataRequestMessage) message, settings, model);
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataResponseMessage) message);
Write service document
To write a service document, first create a ODataServiceDocument instance, which will contains all the necessary information in a service document, that include, entity set, singleton and function import.
In this example, we create a service document that contains two entity sets, one singleton and one function import.
ODataServiceDocument serviceDocument = new ODataServiceDocument();
serviceDocument.EntitySets = new []
new ODataEntitySetInfo
Name = "Customers",
Title = "Customers",
Url = new Uri("Customers", UriKind.Relative),
new ODataEntitySetInfo
Name = "Orders",
Title = "Orders",
Url = new Uri("Orders", UriKind.Relative),
serviceDocument.Singletons = new[]
new ODataSingletonInfo
Name = "Company",
Title = "Company",
Url = new Uri("Company", UriKind.Relative),
serviceDocument.FunctionImports = new[]
new ODataFunctionImportInfo
Name = "GetOutOfDateOrders",
Title = "GetOutOfDateOrders",
Url = new Uri("GetOutOfDateOrders", UriKind.Relative),
Then let's call WriteServiceDocument method to write it.
However, this would not work. An ODataException will threw up said that "The ServiceRoot property in ODataMessageWriterSettings.ODataUri must be set when writing a payload." This is because a valid service document will contains a context URL reference to the metadata URL, which need to be told in ODataMessageWriterSettings.
This service root information is provided in ODataUri.ServiceRoot, as this code shows.
ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings();
settings.ODataUri = new ODataUri()
ServiceRoot = new Uri("")
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataResponseMessage) message, settings);
As you can see, you don't need to provide model to write service document.
It is a little work to instantiate the service document instance and set up the entity sets, singletons and function imports. Actually, the EdmLib provided a useful API which can generate a service document instance from model. The API is named GenerateServiceDocument, and defined as an extension method on IEdmModel.
All the entity sets, singletons and function imports whose IncludeInServiceDocument attribute is set to true in the model will be in the generated service document. And according to the spec, only those function import without any parameter should set its IncludeInServiceDocument attribute to true.
And as WriteMetadata API, WriteServiceDocument works only when it is writing a response message.
Besides API WriteServiceDocument, there is another API called WriteServiceDocumentAsync in ODataMessageWriter class. It is an async version of WriteServiceDocument, so you can call it in async way.
A lot of API in writer and reader provides async version of API, they all work as a async complement of the API that without Async suffix.
Write Feed
Collection of entities is called feed in OData Core Library.
Unlike metadata or service document, you must create another writer on ODatMessageWriter to write the feed. The library is designed to write feed in an streaming way, which means the entry is written one by one.
Feed is represented by ODataFeed class. To write a feed, following information are needed:
The service root, which is defined by ODataUri.
The model, as construct parameter of ODataMessageWriter.
Entity set and entity type information.
Here is how to write an empty feed.
ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings();
settings.ODataUri = new ODataUri()
ServiceRoot = new Uri("")
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataResponseMessage)message, settings, model);
IEdmEntitySet entitySet = model.FindDeclaredEntitySet("Customers");
ODataWriter odataWriter = writer.CreateODataFeedWriter(entitySet);
ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
Line 4 give the service root, line 6 give the model, and line 10 give the entity set and entity type information.
The output contains a context URL in the output, which is based on the service root you provided in ODataUri, and the entity set name. There is also a value which is an empty collection, where will hold the entities if there is any.
There is another way to provide the entity set and entity type information, through ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo, and in this no model is needed.
ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings();
settings.ODataUri = new ODataUri()
ServiceRoot = new Uri("")
ODataMessageWriter writer = new ODataMessageWriter((IODataResponseMessage)message, settings);
ODataWriter odataWriter = writer.CreateODataFeedWriter();
ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
feed.SetSerializationInfo(new ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo()
NavigationSourceName = "Customers",
NavigationSourceEntityTypeName = "Customer"
When writing feed, you can provide a next page, which is used in server driven paging.
ODataFeed feed = new ODataFeed();
feed.NextPageLink = new Uri("Customers?next", UriKind.Relative);
The output will contains a next link before the value collection.
After you've created a data model, planned your app, and built out the screens, you can edit your data. In this module, you'll learn how the data connects to your expense report canvas app, how it will display, and how to edit your data.