Shape object (Visio)
Represents anything you can select in a drawing window: a basic shape, a group, a guide, or an object from another application embedded or linked in Microsoft Visio.
The default property of a Shape object is Name.
You can retrieve a particular Shape object from the Shapes collection of the following objects:
- Page object
- Master object
- Shape object that represents a group
To retrieve Cell objects and Connect objects, use the Cells and Connects properties of a Shape object, respectively.
The PageSheet property of a Page object and Master object returns a Shape object whose Type property returns visTypePage. It has cells that specify properties such as drawing size and drawing scale.
The DocumentSheet property of a Document object also returns a Shape object whose Type property returns visTypeDoc. It has cells that specify properties of the document.
- BeforeSelectionDelete
- BeforeShapeDelete
- BeforeShapeTextEdit
- CellChanged
- ConvertToGroupCanceled
- FormulaChanged
- GroupCanceled
- QueryCancelConvertToGroup
- QueryCancelGroup
- QueryCancelSelectionDelete
- QueryCancelUngroup
- SelectionAdded
- SelectionDeleteCanceled
- ShapeAdded
- ShapeChanged
- ShapeDataGraphicChanged
- ShapeExitedTextEdit
- ShapeLinkAdded
- ShapeLinkDeleted
- ShapeParentChanged
- TextChanged
- UngroupCanceled
- AddGuide
- AddHyperlink
- AddNamedRow
- AddRow
- AddRows
- AddSection
- AddToContainers
- AutoConnect
- BoundingBox
- BreakLinkToData
- BringForward
- BringToFront
- CenterDrawing
- ChangePicture
- ConnectedShapes
- ConvertToGroup
- Copy
- CreateSelection
- CreateSubProcess
- Cut
- Delete
- DeleteEx
- DeleteRow
- DeleteSection
- Disconnect
- DrawArcByThreePoints
- DrawBezier
- DrawCircularArc
- DrawLine
- DrawOval
- DrawPolyline
- DrawQuarterArc
- DrawRectangle
- DrawSpline
- Drop
- DropMany
- DropManyU
- Duplicate
- Export
- FitCurve
- FlipHorizontal
- FlipVertical
- GetCustomPropertiesLinkedToData
- GetCustomPropertyLinkedColumn
- GetFormulas
- GetFormulasU
- GetLinkedDataRecordsetIDs
- GetLinkedDataRow
- GetResults
- GluedShapes
- Group
- HasCategory
- HitTest
- Import
- InsertFromFile
- InsertObject
- IsCustomPropertyLinked
- Layout
- LinkToData
- MoveToSubprocess
- Offset
- OpenDrawWindow
- OpenSheetWindow
- Paste
- PasteSpecial
- RemoveFromContainers
- ReplaceShape
- Resize
- ReverseEnds
- Rotate90
- SendBackward
- SendToBack
- SetBegin
- SetCenter
- SetEnd
- SetFormulas
- SetQuickStyle
- SetResults
- SwapEnds
- TransformXYFrom
- TransformXYTo
- Ungroup
- UpdateAlignmentBox
- VisualBoundingBox
- XYFromPage
- XYToPage
- AlternativeText
- Application
- AreaIU
- CalloutsAssociated
- CalloutTarget
- CellExists
- CellExistsU
- Cells
- CellsRowIndex
- CellsRowIndexU
- CellsSRC
- CellsSRCExists
- CellsU
- Characters
- CharCount
- ClassID
- Comments
- Connects
- ContainerProperties
- ContainingMaster
- ContainingMasterID
- ContainingPage
- ContainingPageID
- ContainingShape
- Data1
- Data2
- Data3
- DataGraphic
- DistanceFrom
- DistanceFromPoint
- Document
- EventList
- FillStyle
- FillStyleKeepFmt
- ForeignData
- ForeignType
- FromConnects
- GeometryCount
- Help
- Hyperlinks
- ID
- Index
- IsCallout
- IsDataGraphicCallout
- IsOpenForTextEdit
- Language
- Layer
- LayerCount
- LengthIU
- LineStyle
- LineStyleKeepFmt
- Master
- MasterShape
- MemberOfContainers
- Name
- NameID
- NameU
- Object
- ObjectIsInherited
- ObjectType
- OneD
- Parent
- Paths
- PathsLocal
- PersistsEvents
- Picture
- ProgID
- RootShape
- RowCount
- RowExists
- RowsCellCount
- RowType
- Section
- SectionExists
- Shapes
- SpatialNeighbors
- SpatialRelation
- SpatialSearch
- Stat
- Style
- StyleKeepFmt
- Text
- TextStyle
- TextStyleKeepFmt
- Title
- Type
- UniqueID
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