Global.CleanString method (Word)

Removes nonprinting characters (character codes 1–29) and special Word characters from the specified string or changes them to spaces (character code 32), as described in the "Remarks" section. Returns the result as a String.


expression. CleanString( _String_ )

expression A variable that represents a 'Global' object. Optional.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
String Required String The source string.


The following characters are converted as described in this table.

Character code Description
7 (beep) Removed unless preceded by character 13 (paragraph), then converted to character 9 (tab).
10 (line feed) Converted to character 13 (paragraph) unless preceded by character 13, then removed.
13 (paragraph) Unchanged.
31 (optional hyphen) Removed.
160 (nonbreaking space) Converted to character 32 (space).
172 (optional hyphen) Removed.
176 (nonbreaking space) Converted to character 32 (space).
182 (paragraph mark) Removed.
183 (bullet) Converted to character 32 (space).


This example removes nonprinting characters from the selected text and inserts the result into a new document.

Dim strClean As String 
Dim docNew As Document 
strClean = Application.CleanString(Selection.Text) 
Set docNew = Documents.Add 
docNew.Content.InsertAfter strClean

This example removes nonprinting characters from the selected field code and then displays the result.

ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True 
MsgBox Application.CleanString(Selection.Text)

See also

Global Object

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