Range object (Word)
Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.
Similar to the way bookmarks are used in a document, Range objects are used in Visual Basic procedures to identify specific portions of a document. However, unlike a bookmark, a Range object only exists while the procedure that defined it is running. Range objects are independent of the selection. That is, you can define and manipulate a range without changing the selection. You can also define multiple ranges in a document, while there can be only one selection per pane.
Use the Range method to return a Range object defined by the given starting and ending character positions. The following example returns a Range object that refers to the first 10 characters in the active document.
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=10)
Use the Range property to return a Range object defined by the beginning and end of another object. The Range property applies to many objects (for example, Paragraph, Bookmark, and Cell). The following example returns a Range object that refers to the first paragraph in the active document.
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
The following example returns a Range object that refers to the second through fourth paragraphs in the active document.
Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Range( _
Start:=ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(2).Range.Start, _
For more information about working with Range objects, see Working with Range objects.
- AutoFormat
- Calculate
- CheckGrammar
- CheckSpelling
- CheckSynonyms
- Collapse
- ComputeStatistics
- ConvertHangulAndHanja
- ConvertToTable
- Copy
- CopyAsPicture
- Cut
- Delete
- DetectLanguage
- EndOf
- Expand
- ExportAsFixedFormat
- ExportAsFixedFormat2
- ExportFragment
- GetSpellingSuggestions
- GoTo
- GoToEditableRange
- GoToNext
- GoToPrevious
- ImportFragment
- InRange
- InsertAfter
- InsertAlignmentTab
- InsertAutoText
- InsertBefore
- InsertBreak
- InsertCaption
- InsertCrossReference
- InsertDatabase
- InsertDateTime
- InsertFile
- InsertParagraph
- InsertParagraphAfter
- InsertParagraphBefore
- InsertSymbol
- InsertXML
- InStory
- IsEqual
- LookupNameProperties
- ModifyEnclosure
- Move
- MoveEnd
- MoveEndUntil
- MoveEndWhile
- MoveStart
- MoveStartUntil
- MoveStartWhile
- MoveUntil
- MoveWhile
- Next
- NextSubdocument
- Paste
- PasteAndFormat
- PasteAppendTable
- PasteAsNestedTable
- PasteExcelTable
- PasteSpecial
- PhoneticGuide
- Previous
- PreviousSubdocument
- Relocate
- Select
- SetListLevel
- SetRange
- Sort
- SortAscending
- SortByHeadings
- SortDescending
- StartOf
- TCSCConverter
- WholeStory
- Application
- Bold
- BoldBi
- BookmarkID
- Bookmarks
- Borders
- Case
- Cells
- Characters
- CharacterStyle
- CharacterWidth
- Columns
- CombineCharacters
- Comments
- Conflicts
- ContentControls
- Creator
- DisableCharacterSpaceGrid
- Document
- Duplicate
- Editors
- EmphasisMark
- End
- EndnoteOptions
- Endnotes
- EnhMetaFileBits
- Fields
- Find
- FitTextWidth
- Font
- FootnoteOptions
- Footnotes
- FormattedText
- FormFields
- Frames
- GrammarChecked
- GrammaticalErrors
- HighlightColorIndex
- HorizontalInVertical
- HTMLDivisions
- Hyperlinks
- ID
- Information
- InlineShapes
- IsEndOfRowMark
- Italic
- ItalicBi
- Kana
- LanguageDetected
- LanguageID
- LanguageIDFarEast
- LanguageIDOther
- ListFormat
- ListParagraphs
- ListStyle
- Locks
- NextStoryRange
- NoProofing
- OMaths
- Orientation
- PageSetup
- ParagraphFormat
- Paragraphs
- ParagraphStyle
- Parent
- ParentContentControl
- PreviousBookmarkID
- ReadabilityStatistics
- Revisions
- Rows
- Scripts
- Sections
- Sentences
- Shading
- ShapeRange
- ShowAll
- SpellingChecked
- SpellingErrors
- Start
- StoryLength
- StoryType
- Style
- Subdocuments
- SynonymInfo
- Tables
- TableStyle
- Text
- TextRetrievalMode
- TextVisibleOnScreen
- TopLevelTables
- TwoLinesInOne
- Underline
- Updates
- WordOpenXML
- Words
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