Share via Failure Semantics

A server protocol built on top of these extensions can encounter a failure while executing a method call. It has two options to handle the failure. It can handle the failure either at the application protocol layer or at the RPC protocol layer.

If it handles the error at the application protocol layer, the interaction appears to be successful from an RPC point of view. The [out] parameters are filled, and the RPC implementation on the server sends a response PDU with the stub data, as specified in [C706] section 14.4. In this case, the [out] parameters SHOULD indicate the occurrence of an error, although the exact mechanism for doing so is left to the application protocol layer.

If the error is handled at the RPC protocol layer, the server implementation of the application protocol layer indicates to the RPC runtime (usually through calling an API) that the method call failed and then supplies a single, unsigned long number that indicates the failure code. In this case, the server SHOULD send back to the client a fault PDU (as specified in [C706] section, where the status field of the fault PDU is set to the failure code received from the application protocol layer.<119>