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Sep 30, 2023
Business value
Easily manage Microsoft Fabric with additional operational capabilities. Administrators can easily manage the admin portal experience by delegating tenant-level settings to the capacity (and subsequently workspace) levels.
Feature details
Improved management and administration functionalities increase flexibility and enable Microsoft Fabric administrators to tailor the Fabric experience to organizational needs while decreasing overhead.
Tenant administrators will have the ability to delegate tenant-level settings to the capacity and domain levels, and subsequently to the workspace level. Tenant admins will have UI controls to allow or stop delegation of tenant-level settings to capacity and domain administrators. Capacity and domain administrators can efficiently manage the settings delegated to them by utilizing enhanced controls accessible through the existing capacity or domain settings interface. They will have the option to maintain the default settings as delegated by their tenant administrator or override the default settings by enabling or disabling the override option in the settings page.
In the first phase, We made the following tenat settings delegable:
Certification – Delegable to domains
Users can create Fabric items – Auto delegated to capacities.
In subsequent release cycles, we'll make more settings delegable at a granular level.
Microsoft Fabric is a SaaS solution for end-to-end data analytics. As an administrator, you can configure features and manage access to suit your organization's needs.
Demonstrate the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform, such as Power Apps, data connections with Dataverse, and Power Automate.