DriverProfile Class
DriverProfile Class
Contains the preferences for the times to start and end driving each day, and for the user's road type preferences.
Public Class DriverProfile
Member of [Namespace]
public class DriverProfile : System.Object
Member of [Namespace]
Name | Description |
DayEndTime | The time to stop driving each day, in minutes after 12:00 A.M. Integer. Default is -1, which is equivalent to 1440 (12:00 A.M. the following day). Valid range is -1 to 1440. |
DayStartTime | The time to start driving each day, in minutes after 12:00 A.M. Integer. Default is -1, which is equivalent to 0 (12:00 A.M.). Valid range is -1 to 1440. |
PreferredRoadTypes | Sets preference ranking for one or more road types. |
For a driving day of 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., set the DayStartTime property to 480 (8 x 60) and the DayEndTime property to 1080 (18 x 60).
The total time for a driving day cannot be less than 60 minutes, as this will result in an exception. For example, if the result of DayEndTime - DayStartTime is less than 60.
When a RouteSpecification object is returned from the RouteServiceSoap.CalculateSimpleRoute method, the DriverProfile property contains the default values of 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
The DriverProfile object is used in the RouteSpecification.DriverProfile property, which is passed to the RouteServiceSoap.CalculateRoute method.
A DriverProfile object with any setting other than the default settings—which indicate nonstop driving—affects the total time of a route segment (Segment.TripTime property) and the entire route (RouteItinerary.TripTime property).
The times set in the DriverProfile object are returned in the Direction.DirectionType properties that have a value of StartOfDay or EndOfDay (DirectionType enumeration). Use these properties with the Direction.Duration property to calculate the times for an itinerary.
RouteSpecification.DriverProfile Property | RouteServiceSoap.CalculateRoute Method | Segment.TripTime Property | RouteItinerary.TripTime Property | Direction.DirectionType Property | DirectionType Enumeration | Direction.Duration Property