CaptureBuffer.CaptureBuffer(IntPtr,Capture) Constructor (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound)
Initializes a new instance of the CaptureBuffer class. This method supports the .NET Framework Infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
lp System.IntPtr
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed CaptureBuffer class. Not supported.device Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture
The Capture object that represents the parent capture device to use with the capture buffer.
An invalid parameter was passed to the called method.
No sound driver is available for use, or the given globally unique identifier (GUID) is not a valid Microsoft DirectSound device identifier (ID).
DirectSound could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.
Root exception type for all DirectSound exceptions. Derives from DirectXException.