ICLRMetadataLocator::GetMetadata Method
Called by the common language runtime (CLR) data access services to retrieve the metadata of an image.
HRESULT GetMetadata(
[in] LPCWSTR imagePath,
[in] ULONG32 imageTimestamp,
[in] ULONG32 imageSize,
[in] GUID* mvid,
[in] ULONG32 mdRva,
[in] ULONG32 flags,
[in] ULONG32 bufferSize,
[out, size_is(bufferSize), length_is(*dataSize)]
BYTE* buffer,
[out] ULONG32* dataSize
- imagePath
[in] A string that specifies the path of the image file.
- imageTimestamp
[in] The time stamp of the image file.
- imageSize
[in] The size of the image file.
- mvid
[in] The globally unique identifier of the image.
- mdRva
[in] The relative virtual address (RVA) of the metadata. The address is relative to the image base address.
- flags
[in] Reserved for future use.
- bufferSize
[in] The size of the buffer in which to place the metadata.
- buffer
[out] The buffer in which to place the metadata.
- dataSize
[out] The size of the metadata that is returned.
This method is implemented by the writer of the debugging application.
Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family
Header: ClrData.idl
Library: CorGuids.lib
.NET Framework Version: 2.0