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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


This structure is used to pass blit operations to the BltBatch method.

typedef struct _DDBLTBATCH{
LPRECT            lprDest;
LPRECT            lprSrc;
DWORD            dwFlags;
LPDDBLTFX        lpDDBltFx;




Pointer to a RECT structure that defines the destination for the blit.


Pointer to a DirectDrawSurface that will be the source of the blit.


Pointer to a RECT structure that defines the source rectangle of the blit.


Flag Description
DDBLT_ALPHADEST Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for this blit.
DDBLT_ALPHADESTCONSTOVERRIDE Use the dwConstAlphaDest member in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel for the destination surface for this blit.
DDBLT_ALPHADESTNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque)
DDBLT_ALPHADESTSURFACEOVERRIDE Use the lpDDSAlphaDest member in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel for the destination for this blit.
DDBLT_ALPHAEDGEBLEND Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend member in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel for the edges of the image that border the color key colors.
DDBLT_ALPHASRC Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the source surface as the alpha channel for this blit.
DDBLT_ALPHASRCCONSTOVERRIDE Use the dwConstAlphaSrc member in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel for the source for this blit.
DDBLT_ALPHASRCNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque)
DDBLT_ALPHASRCSURFACEOVERRIDE Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc member in the DDBLTFX structure as the alpha channel for the source for this blit.
DDBLT_ASYNC Do this blit asynchronously through the FIFO in the order received. If there is no room in the hardware FIFO fail the call.
DDBLT_COLORFILL Uses the dwFillColor member in the DDBLTFX structure as the RGB color to fill the destination rectangle on the destination surface with.
DDBLT_DDFX Uses the dwDDFX member in the DDBLTFX structure to specify the effects to use for the blit.
DDBLT_DDROPS Uses the dwDDROPS member in the DDBLTFX structure to specify the ROPS that are not part of the Win32 API.
DDBLT_KEYDEST Use the color key associated with the destination surface.
DDBLT_KEYDESTOVERRIDE Use the dckDestColorkey member in the DDBLTFX structure as the color key for the destination surface.
DDBLT_KEYSRC Use the color key associated with the source surface.
DDBLT_KEYSRCOVERRIDE Use the dckSrcColorkey member in the DDBLTFX structure as the color key for the source surface.
DDBLT_ROP Use the dwROP member in the DDBLTFX structure for the raster operation for this blit. These ROPs are the same as the ones defined in the Win32 API.
DDBLT_ROTATIONANGLE Use the dwRotationAngle member in the DDBLTFX structure as the angle (specified in 1/100th of a degree) to rotate the surface.
DDBLT_ZBUFFER Z-buffered blit using the z-buffers attached to the source and destination surfaces and the dwZBufferOpCode member in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer opcode.
DDBLT_ZBUFFERDESTCONSTOVERRIDE Z-buffered blit using the dwConstDest member and the dwZBufferOpCode member in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively for the destination.
DDBLT_ZBUFFERDESTOVERRIDE Z-buffered blit using the lpDDSDestZBuffer member and the dwZBufferOpCode member in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively for the destination.
DDBLT_ZBUFFERSRCCONSTOVERRIDE Z-buffered blit using the dwConstSrcZ member and the dwZBufferOpCode member in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively for the source.
DDBLT_ZBUFFERSRCOVERRIDE Z-buffered blit using the lpDDSSrcZBuffer member and the dwZBufferOpCode member in the DDBLTFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively for the source.


Pointer to a DDBLTFX structure specifying additional blit effects.

See Also