Task Wizard XML File Schema
Task Wizard XML File Schema
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The Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 Task Wizard provides administrators with powerful automated operations, such as bulk mailbox creation, moving mailboxes between stores, and so on. The Task Wizard, part of the Exchange System Manager, records its results in XML files. This topic lists the elements and attributes of the Task Wizard XML files.
The following example shows a Task Wizard report file of a successful create-mailbox operation. To improve readability, line-breaks have been added to the XML, including the Microsoft Active Directory® paths. It is important to realize that these added line-breaks in the adsPath attributes cause the XML to no longer be well-formed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode"?> <taskWizardRun taskName="Create Mailbox" dcName="EXDOMCTRL" buildNumber="6884" runningAs="administrator@EXSVR.EXAMPLE.COM"> <timespan startTime="2003-02-24 14:10:37.781" milliseconds="672"/> <createMailbox> <database> /dc=com/dc=example/dc=exsvr/cn=Configuration/cn=Services /cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Administrative Groups /cn=First Administrative Group/cn=Servers/cn=EXSRV/cn=InformationStore /cn=First Storage Group/cn=Mailbox Store (EXSTORE) </database> </createMailbox> <taskSummary errorCount="0" completedCount="1" warningCount="0" errorCode="0x00000000"/> <items> <item adsPath="LDAP://exsrv.exdomctrl.example.com/CN=NewUserName, CN=Users,DC=exsvr,DC=example,DC=com" class="user"> <progress code="-6" milliseconds="625"/> <summary isWarning="false" errorCode="0x00000000"> The operation has completed successfully. </summary> </item> </items> </taskWizardRun>
You can attach a custom XSL (or XSLT) style sheet to the file by adding a second processing statement similar to the following:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="TaskWizardRun.xslt"?>
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later can automatically apply the XSL style sheet to the XML data.
The Exchange Server 2003 SDK includes an example XSLT style sheet, and an example viewer created as a HyperText Application. The viewer and XSLT file are located in the \Program Files\Exchange SDK\SDK\Samples\TaskWizard folder. Start the viewer by double-clicking on the TaskWizard.hta file. The XSLT is named TaskWizardRun.xslt. The complete source code for the viewer and the XSLT are provided for your use and extension.
For more information read the Task Wizard XML File Viewer and XSLT Sample Application topics.
The taskWizardRun element in the Task Wizard XML file provides information about a single run of the Task Wizard. The specific type of operation determines which child elements are included. Some elements will be present for all operations. For example, the taskSummary and timespan elements are always present. Other elements are only present for specific types of operations or when errors occur. The following table depicts the format of the Task Wizard XML file.
XML Element | Number Allowed | Description |
<taskWizardRun | 1 | Container for the Task Wizard results. |
taskName="task" | 1 | Display name for the operation. |
dcName="domainCtrl" | 1 | Domain controller computer name. |
buildNumber="###" | 1 | Exchange build number. |
runningAs="user@domain"> | 1 | User and Domain that ran the Task Wizard. |
<timespan | 1 | Container for the timespan information. |
startTime="dateTime" | 1 | When the wizard was started, as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss. |
milliseconds="###"/> | 1 | Duration of the run, in milliseconds. |
<createMailbox> | 0..1 | Container for create mailbox information. Only present for create mailbox operations. |
<database/> | 1 | Active Directory location for the new mailbox. |
</createMailbox> | ||
<moveMailbox | 0..1 | Container for move mailbox information. Only present for move mailbox operations. |
mixedMode="???" | 1 | Indicates whether mixed mode was enabled. |
maxBadItems="###"> | 1 | This will be zero, regardless of the value set in the task Wizard. |
<destination> | 1 | Container for the Active Directory path to the destination mailbox store. |
<database/> | 1 | The Active Directory path to the destination mailbox store. |
</destination> | ||
</moveMailbox> | ||
<taskSummary | 1 | Container for task summary results. |
errorCount="###" | 1 | Total number of errors encountered in this run. |
completedCount="###" | 1 | Total number of successful operations in this run. |
warningCount="###" | 1 | Total number of warnings encountered in this run. |
errorCode="0x########"/> | 1 | The HRESULT returned by the Task Wizard. This will be non-zero when the Task Wizard encounters problems. Errors that occur with individual work items are not represented in this value. |
<items> | 1 | Container for the item detail entries. |
<item | 1..n | Container for an individual operation. |
adsPath="ADPath" | 1 | Active Directory path to the affected item. |
class="class"> | 1 | Class of the object. For example, "user", "group" or "contact". |
<progress | 1 | Container for the operating progress status. |
code="###" | 1 | Return code for the operation. Read the section <progress code=""> attribute values below for more information. |
milliseconds="###"> | 1 | Time duration of this individual operation, in milliseconds. |
(Progress Status) | 0..1 | Text status of the operation. Not always present. |
</progress> | ||
<summary | 1 | Container for the individual operation summary status. |
isWarning="???" | 1 | Indicates if this item is a warning. Can be "true" or "false". |
errorCode="0x########"> | 1 | HRESULT for the operation, in hexadecimal. Some returned results may be internal to Exchange |
(Summary Status) | 0..1 | Text summary status for the operation. Not always present. |
<details> | 1 | Container for the individual operation status details. |
<badItem | 0..n | Container for damaged mailbox items. Only present on move mailbox operations where corrupt items are found. |
errorCode="###" | 1 | Numeric error code indicating what is wrong with the mailbox item. |
flags="0x########"> | 1 | Flags indicating what is wrong with the mailbox item, in hexadecimal. |
<folder | 1 | Container for information about the folder where the damaged item is stored. |
id="GUID"> | 1 | The GUID of the folder where the damaged item is stored. |
(Folder Name) | 1 | The display name of the mailbox folder where the damaged item is stored. |
</folder> | ||
<sender/> | 1 | The sender of the damaged item. |
<recipient/> | 1 | The recipient of the damaged item. |
<subject/> | 1 | The subject of the damaged item. |
<size/> | 1 | The size, in bytes, of the damaged item. |
<dateSent/> | 1 | The date and time the damaged item was sent, as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss. |
<dateReceived/> | 1 | The date and time the damaged item was received, as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss. |
<sourceKey/> | 1 | The source key for the damaged item. |
</badItem> | ||
<feature | 0..n | An individual feature that was enabled or disabled in the operation. Only present with Configure Exchange Features operations. |
name="featureName" | 1 | The name of the feature. |
enabled="???"/> | 1 | Indicates whether the feature was enabled ("true") or disabled ("false"). |
<noWriteAccess> | 0..1 | Indicates the user running the Task Wizard did not have sufficient privileges to modify the attributes listed. Only present when a permissions error occurs. |
<attribute | 1..n | Container for an individual permissions-failure. |
name="attrName" | 1 | Exchange internal property name. |
displayName="dispName"/> | 1 | Display name for the property. |
</noWriteAccess> | ||
<source> | 0..1 | Container for the source database information |
<database/> | 1 | Active Directory path to the original mailbox location. Only present with move mailbox operations. |
</source> | ||
(Detail Message) | 0..1 | Additional text describing the results of the individual operation. |
</details> | ||
</summary> | ||
</item> | ||
</items> | ||
</taskWizardRun> |
The content-type indicators in the table above can be the following:
- "###" indicates a number.
- "0x########" indicates a 32-bit number expressed in hexadecimal.
- "???" indicates a logical value that can be either "true" or "false".
The Number Allowed column can contain the following:
- "1" indicates that the element will always be present, and there will be only one of that element.
- "1..n" indicates that the element will always be present, and there can be any number of that element.
- "0..1" indicates that the element is optional. If the element is present, there will be only one of that element.
- "0..n" indicates that the element is optional. If the element is present, there can be any number of that element.
The numeric value of the progress element code attribute indicates the last state reported by the Task Wizard for the item being processed. The attribute values are typically accompanied by additional descriptive status in the text value of the <progress> element. The following table describes the values:
code attribute value | Description |
-1 | "Not Started" Initial state of the operation. Although this value is defined, you should never receive it because all item operations return status beyond this, even when an error occurs. |
-2 | "Started" Indicates that processing for the item operation has begun. |
-3 | "Approving" Indicates that an error occured when verifying the prerequisites for the item operation. For example, this can occur when attempting to create a mailbox that already exists. |
-4 | "Saving Changes" Indicates that an error occured while saving the changes to Active Directory. |
-5 | "Set Summary" Indicates that the summary information for the item operation was returned to the Task Wizard. |
-6 | "Finished" Indicates that the item operation completed processing. This does not mean there were no errors, only that the item completed processing. |
Others | Any value other than those listed above is a item-operation specific error value. Additional information is available in the <progress> element text value, and in the other error status elements. |
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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)
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