TransportServer.PipelineTracingEnabled Property

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether pipeline tracing is enabled.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management
Assembly:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll)


[ParameterAttribute(Mandatory = false)]
public bool PipelineTracingEnabled { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System.Boolean
true to enable pipeline tracking; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


Pipeline tracing captures message snapshot files that record the changes made to the message by each transport agent configured on the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server. Pipeline tracing creates verbose log files that accumulate quickly.

Pipeline tracing should only be enabled for a short time to provide in-depth diagnostic information that enables you to troubleshoot problems. In addition to troubleshooting, you can use pipeline tracing to validate changes that you make to the configuration of the server on which you enable pipeline tracing.