Enables Configuration Manager software metering rules.
Parameter Set: SearchByIdMandatory
Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule -Id <String[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: SearchByNameMandatory
Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule -ProductName <String> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: SearchByValueMandatory
Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule -InputObject <IResultObject> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
The Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule cmdlet enables one or more software metering rules in Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. You can enable a rule that you previously disabled by using the Disable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule cmdlet. When System Center 2012 Configuration Manager automatically creates software metering rules, it creates them as disabled.
Software metering monitors and collects software usage data from System Center 2012 Configuration Manager clients, such as when clients began using a particular software program and how long users have worked with that software. You can create software metering rules that specify which software to monitor.
You can specify rules that enable software metering rules by ID or by product name, or use the Get-CMSoftwareMeteringRule cmdlet.
For more information about software metering in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, see Introduction to Software Metering in Configuration Manager in the TechNet library at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=268432.
Specifies an array of IDs for software metering rules.
Aliases |
RuleId |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a software metering rule object. To obtain a software metering rule object, use the Get-SoftwareMeteringRule cmdlet.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a name for a product that a rule meters.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=113216).
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
This command enables software metering rules for a product named Accounting Package. There may be more than one rule. If you previously disabled some rules for this product, but not all, the cmdlet does not inform you that some rules were already enabled.
PS C:\> Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule -ProductName "Accounting Package"
This command enables a software metering rule that has the specified ID.
PS C:\> Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule -Id "16777229"