Command-line Properties
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
This topic lists the configuration properties you can set on the command line with Owsadm.exe and Owsrmadm.exe. The description for each property includes a definition of the property and the differences, if any, between the use of the property on Microsoft Windows and UNIX platforms. The table for each property includes columns with the default value for the property, whether the property is available on Windows or UNIX, and the levels at which the property is available (global, virtual server, or subweb).
Note Any subweb property can be changed by using the SetProperty operation by specifying the name of the setting as it appears in the _vti_pvt\service.cnf file, with the "vti_" prefix and with the -web parameter. For example, to set the RequireSSL property for a subweb, you would specify vti_RequireSSL, and include the -web parameter.
For more information about using the command-line tools, see Command-line Administration. For more information about using the command-line tools to set configuration properties, see Setting Configuration Properties.
When set, specifies that a user cannot be added to a Web site if the user account was created on another virtual server. This property is set to 1 by default. To turn off account tracking, set to 0.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
When AllowExecutableScripts is set to a non-zero value, Microsoft FrontPage will set the executable bit on files within executable directories. When directories are marked as executable, all files within the directory will also be marked as executable. If authors are permitted to upload into executable directories (that is, the NoExecutableCgiUpload variable is set to 0), then when AllowExecutableScripts is set to a non-zero value, authors will be able to execute newly uploaded CGI scripts and ISAPI extensions. If NoExecutableCgiUpload is set to 0 and AllowExecutableScripts is set to 0, authors will be able to upload and use ASP and IDC files, but not CGI or ISAPI files.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
IIS only |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When Authoring is set to disabled, all authoring is disabled for the virtual server. This variable can also be set by using HTML Administration pages. When set to enabled, authoring is enabled.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
enabled |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Sets the maximum number of documents kept in the cache when FrontPage is doing write operations. This is the maximum number of documents whose property information, such as Web site parameters, you want to keep in active memory. When an author opens a document after the cache is full, the cache is cleared and starts with the most recently opened document.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
4096 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
By default, SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions set the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes in all IMG tags in pages saved to a Web site. This improves the appearance of pages when a site visitor downloads them over a slow connection. This property sets the maximum number of images whose HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes the server extensions will cache while recalculating hyperlinks or saving a page. If you set this variable globally or per-virtual server, and Web sites on your server frequently contain more than 16 images, you should increase this number. If you set this variable on an individual subweb, do not set it higher than the number of image files in the Web site.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
16 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sets the maximum number of included files on a page (that is, files included through the Include Page component) that SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions will cache while recalculating hyperlinks or saving the page. Increase this value to the highest number of pages that are included in any page in your Web site, if that number is higher than the default value (16).
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
16 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sets the maximum document size in kilobytes that SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions will cache internally.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
32K on UNIX. 256K on Windows. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sets the maximum number of documents kept in the cache when FrontPage is doing read operations. This is the maximum number of documents whose property information, such as Web site parameters, you want to keep in active memory. When an author opens a document after the cache is full, the cache is cleared and starts with the most recently opened document.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
8 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies that the check operation will verify that user role settings are enforceable. This check detects and repairs possible problems with roles, including the following: a user record has an invalid format, the user has a record in the list of users, but no matching user account, the user record refers to a non-existent role, there is no role for the anonymous user, and so on. Set to check or fix. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Specifies that the security settings from the roles.ini file are applied to the file system when the check operation is run. There is no check value for this property, only a fix value. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Adds automatic completion functionality to the command line. Type the first few letters of the path, and then press the TAB key to complete the path automatically. DWORD value. Set to 9 to enable, 0 to disable. Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
9 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
On all servers except IIS, ComplexPasswords tightens restrictions on password strings created in FrontPage. When ComplexPasswords is set to a non-zero value, the following rules apply to passwords: the user name cannot be embedded in the password, the password must contain at least one alphabetic character, and the password must have more than 8 characters.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Default server on which databases will be created when extending a new virtual server. Use the DatabaseConnection operation to change this setting.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
Local machine name |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies the number of seconds to wait before trimming the SharePoint Team Services database cache back to the maximum size. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string) that should not exceed 3600. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
300 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies the number of lists that will be cached in the SharePoint Team Services database. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1000 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies the number of projects (or Web sites) that will be cached in the SharePoint Team Services database. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
200 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies the number of authorized users that can be cached in the SharePoint Team Services database. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
2000 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Debug trace for Web Extender client. If used on a client computer, this entry creates three debug files that log all calls made by the client and the responses from the server. The files are: Socksend.out, Sockrecv.out, and Wecdbg.out. DWORD value. Set to 9 to enable, 0 to disable. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\Web Extender Client
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
9 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions automatically reserve the correct amount of space for images and other files that are embedded on a Web page. You can use DisableAutoImgSizeExts to specify a list of one or more file extensions. For files of the type listed in this variable, the server extensions will not automatically reserve the correct amount of space on the page.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
.asp |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
FrontPage caches META tag data for all Web pages in a file. Caching this data in a single location makes it more accessible to scripts and programs that use the FrontPage object model. The variable DisableMetaTagStore disables this caching feature. If a Web site is not being accessed via the object model, set this variable to a non-zero value to disable the META tag data store.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies the length of time (in days) before discussions expire and are deleted from the database.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Turns off the automatic restart feature for the SharePoint Timer Service. Add this entry to the registry to prevent the server health features from checking and restarting the Timer Service. This entry can be set to any string value. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies whether Web document discussions are turned on (0) or off (1).
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies whether Web subscriptions are turned on (0) or off (1).
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Determines whether Document Library rules (a FrontPage 2002 feature) will work on the specified virtual server. (Virtual server-level only.) Boolean value. Path: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\50\Ports\Port XXX
If the registry entry does not exist for a specific virtual server, then it will default to the one in the global port section:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\50\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Enables and disables VTI debugging. With VTI debugging enabled, the server returns diagnostic information when you browse to the path https://servername/_vti_bin/shtml.dll?_vti_debug on Windows or https://servername/_vti_bin/shtml.exe?_vti_debug on UNIX. DWORD value. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Allows Web subscriptions to a folder on a subweb.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies which rights are available to users of the machine. This global property is set using the rolerights operation, rather than setproperty. To change GlobalRightsMask, run the rolerights operation, but leave out the -port, -web, and -name parameters. Any right that is removed from GlobalRightsMask is not available to any user on the machine. If this property is missing or corrupt, it defaults to making all rights available for use on the machine.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Sets the URL format used by the server-side image map processor that runs on FrontPage-generated image maps. Note that FrontPage 2000 generates client-side image maps, and most browsers support client-side image maps, so this setting is only useful with earlier versions of FrontPage. Valid parameters are NCSA, CERN, Netscape, none, or "". If you specify none, FrontPage will not generate HTML to support server-side image map processing. The empty string "" specifies to generate default FrontPage image maps.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sets the server-relative URL of the server-side image-map processor for the selected image-map format. If ImageMapFormat is set to "", server-side image maps are handled automatically by SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions. For other formats, provide the name and location of the image-map processor. To specify client-side image maps, set this variable to "" (none).
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies how often the SharePoint Timer Service checks the document library. The SharePoint Timer Service job checks for expired documents and triggers document expiration rules. By default, the job is run every hour. String value. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
The call from the FrontPage client to the server extensions to list documents can be very long running, if, for example, the call is for a list of the entire contents of a large Web site. By default, ListLockLatency is set so that this transaction releases and reacquires its lock on the Web site every five seconds. This is only a rough number; the locks are released whenever a new directory is encountered during the list transaction. A directory containing 100,000 files, for example, could take many tens of seconds to list, and the lock will not be released until the entire directory is listed. Control the lock-release interval (in seconds) by setting ListLockLatency. The value of the variable is the maximum number of seconds between lock releases. A value of 0 means that the lock should be released every time a new subdirectory is encountered.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
5 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
When FrontPage 2000 server extensions are installed on a Web server, users of the FrontPage client can list all system DSNs on the server by clicking Web Settings on the Tools menu and going to the Database tab. This can create a security hole, because it exposes a list of resources on your server. When ListSystemDSNs is set to 0, FrontPage users cannot view the list of system DSNs on the Web server. When ListSystemDSNs is set to a non-zero value, system DSNs are listed.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies whether Web document discussions are restricted to the current server. A value of False or 0 means that Web document discussions are not restricted.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies that SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions looks for domain accounts when sending invitations or adding a user. If you are using local accounts only, set this value to 1 to bypass the check for a domain account and automatically create local machine accounts. Note that setting this value to 1 means that you cannot use domain accounts at all. So, even if a particular domain account is valid, any attempt to add that domain account to the list of users will fail.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
If not specified, FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions read this value from the httpd.conf file for the server. The property's value is any valid value for the Apache "LogFormat" directive. The value should not be quoted, but may contain embedded quotes following the standard Apache convention.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
none |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the full path to the log file. Optionally, can include wildcards for server log files with names based on the date and time that they were created. Use in combination with the LogRollover property to set how often to refresh the data.
For example, to use log files created every week on Sunday at midnight, the LogFileLocation value would be: /usr/local/www/logs/access_log.%m-%d-%Yes and the LogRollover value would be: weekly at Sun 00:00:00.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
none |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
If Logging is set to a non-zero value, SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions logs all authoring operations to the file Author.log in the _vti_log directory of the Web site. Each operation is recorded with the current time, remote host, author's user name, Web site name, operation performed, and the per-operation data.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Turns the source control log on and off. DWORD value. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the frequency and time at which the log files are rolled over. Works in conjunction with the substitution patterns in the LogFileLocation value.
For example, to use log files created every week on Sunday at midnight, the LogFileLocation value would be**: /usr/local/www/logs/access_log.%m-%d-%Yes** and the LogRollover value would be: weekly at Sun 00:00:00.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
none |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Can be used to override the character-set attribute of the content-type header. Can be set to any character set value, not just the values listed on the Change Configuration Settings administration page.
The default settings for character sets vary depending on the feature sending the e-mail. For subscription notifications, the default character set matches the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Web Server\ServerLanguage registry entry. This registry entry is set when SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions is installed, and matches the language that is installed.
For usage analysis notifications, document library rules notifications, and invitations, the default character set is the same as the character set for the current FrontPage Web site. You can change this setting in FrontPage, by using the Web Setting command (Tools menu). In the Web Setting dialog box, click the Language tab, and then select a character set in the Default page encoding box.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Can be used to override the content transfer encoding attribute of the content-type header. The default value is 8bit unless mail is being sent using the iso-2022-jp character set, in which case the default value is 7bit.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the e-mail address to use when replying to subscription notifications messages. The default for SMTP is user@host, where user is the current user account and host is the current host name.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
current user for current host |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Sets the user name to use as the From account when sending e-mail. Specifically, it is used as the argument to the SEND FROM: command in SMTP. The default for SMTP is user@host, where user is the current user account and host is the current host name.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Limits the size of accepted input on a form or page. This setting prevents the CPU from being overburdened with page processing for large posts. Default is 256KB. Note that forms require additional overhead, so be sure to set this high enough to allow for both the data and form overhead.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
256 KB |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies the maximum number of threads spawned by SharePoint Team Services per CPU. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
32 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies the maximum size allowed for documents being uploaded to a document library by an anonymous user. Specify file sizes in bytes (for example, 3000000 for 3MB). Default is 1 MB (1000000). You must use vti_maxuploadcontentlength form in the registry to set this value globally or for a virtual server, as well as a subweb.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1000000 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies the minimum number of threads spawned by SharePoint Team Services per CPU. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
2 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Sets the number of days to display the New icon next to a new item on your SharePoint team Web site. The NewItemDisplayCutoff value specifies whole days only. String value. For example, if NewItemDisplayCutoff is set to 1, and you create an item today at 5 PM, it is considered new until today at midnight. To specify the setting for all virtual servers, add the value to the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports. To specify the setting for a specific virtual server, add the value to the subkey for that virtual server. For example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\Ports\Port /LM/W3SVC/1.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
(This is an obsolete variable provided for backward compatibility; use NoSaveResultsToAbsoluteFile instead.) When set to a non-zero value, NoAbsoluteFileResults forces the default (Save Results), Registration, and Discussion form handlers to write only to a file within the author's Web site content area. It prevents these form handlers from writing to an absolute file path. Although the default value of NoAbsoluteFileResults is 0 it is set to 1 during FrontPage Setup.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When NoClientImageMaps is set to 1, it prevents FrontPage from generating HTML that supports client-side image-map processing. To configure FrontPage to generate client-side and server-side image maps, leave this variable set to its default value of 0 and select a server-side image-map format (see ImageMapFormat).
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
When NoExecutableCgiUpload is set to a non-zero value, new CGI scripts cannot be run. On a UNIX server, when this key is set to a non-zero value, the server extensions will not set the execute bit on any CGI scripts that an author uploads to a Web site using FrontPage. On a Windows server, when this key is set to a non-zero value, the server extensions will not allow the file to be uploaded. The user receives an error message saying that the file can't be put in the specified directory. A Web Presence Provider can manually set the execute permission after inspecting the CGI script. When NoExecutableCgiUpload is set to 0, the server extensions automatically set the execute bit on CGI scripts uploaded to an author's cgi-bin directory (UNIX), and automatically allow scripts to be uploaded to executable directories (Windows). NoExecutableCgiUpload also controls whether users can mark directories as executable. If the value is 0, users can mark any directory executable, if the value is non-zero, users cannot make directories executable, but Web site administrators can.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When NoIndexServer is set to 1, FrontPage does not use the IIS Index Server to build the full-text index of the Web site. Instead, FrontPage uses the free WAIS search engine that is included in FrontPage 2000. By default, if FrontPage detects Index Server, it will use it to build the full-text index.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies whether or not roles are implemented as local machine groups. Set to 1 to turn off local machine groups. Default is 0 (use local machine groups). Use the default setting unless you expect to support many virtual servers (more then 150) on a single server. This is a global property only. You must set this property before extending any virtual servers.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
IIS 4.0 or later. When NoMarkScriptable is set to a non-zero value, users of the FrontPage client cannot modify the scriptable bit on any folders in a Web site. When this value is set, an Internet service provider must manually set the scriptable bit on folders. When NoMarkScriptable is set to 0, FrontPage client users can modify this bit. Internet service providers can use this setting to selectively allow or disallow use of database features and other ASP-based pages on a per-server or per-Web site basis.
Note that if NoMarkScriptable is set to 1 on the server, but vti_nomarkscriptable is set to 0 for a Web site on the server, then users of the FrontPage client can access database features. This allows ISPs to disallow database features by default on a server, and then selectively turn on those features for particular customers.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes IIS 4.0 or later |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Roles support can be turned off globally or per virtual server. If the key NoRolesSupport in the AllPorts section in the port configuration is set to 1 roles are turned off globally. If the key NoRolesSupport in the section of a specific port in the port configuration is set to 1 roles are turned off for that port. Turned off in this context means the level of FrontPage 2000 functionality with only Browser, Author, and Administrator roles.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Earlier releases of FrontPage allow the default (Save Results) form handler to pipe form results to any arbitrarily chosen program. For backward compatibility, NoSaveResultsPipeTo disables this capability when it is set to a non-zero value. To allow piping form contents to a program, set this variable to 0.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When NoSaveResultsToAbsoluteFile is set to 1, the default (Save Results), Registration, and Discussion form handlers cannot write to an absolute file path even if the browsing account has the NTFS rights to write to that path: the form handlers can only write to a file within the Web site's content area. When NoSaveResultsToAbsoluteFile is set to 0, the FrontPage default (Save Results), Registration, and Discussion form handlers will write to an absolute file path Use NoSaveResultsToAbsoluteFile instead of the obsolete NoAbsoluteFileResults.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When PreserveTagCase is set to Yes or a non-zero value, the server extensions preserve the case of HTML tag attributes when they reformat HTML pages. PreserveTagCase takes precedence over the UpperCaseTags property.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
On IIS servers only, setting PrivateBrowsable to 1 makes the _private directory in a Web site accessible to browsers. To prevent site visitors from browsing the _private directory, set PrivateBrowsable to 0. Once you have added this setting, it will apply to new Web sites you create. It does not effect Web sites that were created before making the setting.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes IIS only |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the umask to be used when tightening permissions on the _private directory. The value is an *octal* number. If this configuration setting is not present, the default value is 077, meaning that 'group' and 'other' will be denied all access to _private. If you want to allow group read access to _private (but still prevent 'other' from having any access), you could use the following setting:
Note that since this is an octal value, a leading 0 (zero) is mandatory. This is consistent with the UNIX 'umask' command.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
077 |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
When you publish updated documents to your Web site, FrontPage checks a list of document properties and verifies that the content of these properties (metadata values) match between the source and the destination Web sites. If they don't match, FrontPage updates the destination Web site with the source Web site's copy of the document. The property list is stored in the key PublishMetainfoKeys, and is customizable. Note that if you want to prevent FrontPage from checking metadata values, delete the list from the key rather than deleting the key. Otherwise, the key is recreated – with the default list of metadata values – when you install an upgrade to SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
Categories, Description, Assigned To, Approval Level |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
When ReformatHtml is set to Yes or a non-zero value, SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions reformats all HTML pages when they are uploaded to the Web server. Setting ReformatHtml to 0 causes only pages with FrontPage-based components to be reformatted.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies that the anonymous authoring is checked and/or turned off when the check operation is run. Set to check or fix. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Specifies that the collaboration database will be synchronized when the check operation is run. Set to check or fix. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the number of requests that will be queued before incoming requests are rejected. Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take . Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1024 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
When RequireSSL is set to enabled (or any other value except disabled), the server extensions require a Secure Sockets Layer connection between the FrontPage client and the server for authoring tasks.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
disabled |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When set, specifies that the list of users only shows users that were either created on this virtual server or role members in the current Web site. Set to 1 to restrict the list of users, 0 to show all users.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
FrontPage Server Extensions version 2000 or earlier only.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
When using the executable Shtml.exe, versions or later, runtime FrontPage-based components such as the default (Save Results) form handler and the Search form will only process HTML or HTML-based files that do not contain ASP code or the SCRIPT RUNAT=server tag. This prevents exposing the contents of source code, passwords, or other private information to users. The set of HTML or HTML-based files that can be processed by Shtml.exe is identified by file name extension: .htm, .html, .shtm, .shtml, .htx, .asp, .alx, and .asa. If the Web server's configuration file maps other file name extensions to an HTML or HTML-based file type, those files are also added to the set of files that can be processed by Shtml.exe. For Apache, any file extensions mapped to have a MIME type of "text/html" are also added to the set of files that can be processed by Shtml.exe. Use RunTimeFileExtensions to specify which file types that can be processed by Shtml.exe, should be processed. This further limits the set of HTML or HTML-based file types to be processed by Shtml.exe.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
.htm.html |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Sets the language for the scripts that are generated by SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions to enforce any data-validation settings an author has applied to form fields. Valid values are VBScript, JavaScript, or none.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
none |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sets the name of the program to which e-mail should be piped. Typically this will be sendmail, but it could be any program.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
The SMTPHost variable is set to the name or IP address of a host running an SMTP daemon, such as sendmail on UNIX. When a site visitor submits a form whose results are to be sent via e-mail, SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions connect to the SMTP daemon to deliver the mail. By default, FrontPage assumes that the daemon is listening on port 25 (the standard for SMTP) but you can override this by appending ":xx" to the name, where the xx is the port to use. Normally, you will set either the SMTPHost or SendmailCommand variables, but not both, because SendmailCommand takes priority over SMTPHost.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
"" |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
If you are using the built-in WAIS search engine, setting this property to 0 turns off full-text indexing of the Web site. A non-zero value specifies the number of megabytes of RAM the server extensions are to use during text indexing for hash-tables and other data structures. For Web sites with less than 500 pages, set the value of this property to 1. For Web sites with 500 to 5000 pages, set it to 2. For Web sites with more than 5000 pages, set it to 4.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before stopping an idle thread (when the number of threads is greater than the minthreadscount). Do not use the setproperty operation to set this configuration property. Use the registry editor on your server computer to enter a value for this property. If you change this property, you must restart IIS for the change to take effect. Property takes a DWORD value (rather than string). Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\All Ports
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
300000 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specifies that the permissions for your Web sites are checked when the check operation is run. Set to check or fix. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
When UpperCaseTags is set to Yes or a non-zero value, the server extensions convert all HTML tags to uppercase when they reformat HTML pages.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Specifies how long to keep usage analysis log data.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
12 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies that usage data is tracked in full days only, rather than tracked up to the actual log processing time.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the e-mail address to send notifications to when the usage log processing has occurred.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
current user for current host |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies the list of server URLs (including any SSL URLs) mapped to the same IP address for inclusion in usage analysis reports. This list is used to determine whether a referring URL is external to this server. The URLs can be separated by commas, spaces, or semicolons, and they must be complete server URLs. If this property is set, the FrontPage usage analysis features look at the specified server URLs only, rather than the URLs returned by the server extensions.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Specifies that subwebs on the root web are verified when the check operation is run. This check looks through the services.cnf file in the root web to find which subwebs should exist, and then checks the file system to see if it does. If a directory or subweb does not exist, and you specify that you want to fix this problem, the services.cnf file is updated to reflect the fact that the subweb does not exist or that the folder is not a subweb. Set to check or fix. Default value is null, which means the action is ignored when the check operation is run.
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
null |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Sets the Web Extender Client control flags. When you set this entry, FrontPage uses the FrontPage 2000 method for opening Web sites. Use this entry to troubleshoot connectivity problems. DWORD value. Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\Web Extender Client
Default value |
Used on Windows? |
Used on UNIX? |
Set globally? |
Set per virtual server? |
Set per subweb? |
2 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |