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Change the layout of pages

Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

You can make modifications to the design of your team Web site by using your Web browser. If you have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible Web page editor, such as Microsoft FrontPage 2002 installed, you can make extensive modifications for a highly personalized look.

Do one or more of the following:

Change the order of data entry fields in a form

You can change the order of the fields in the form that team members fill out when they add a new item to a list, document library, or discussion board. You can also change the order of the questions that team members answer when they respond to a survey.

  1. On the top link bar, click Site Settings.

  2. Under Modify Site Content, click Customize for the list, document library, discussion board, or survey whose data entry form you want to modify.

  3. Under Columns, click Change the order of the fields.

    Note   If you are working with a survey, click Change the order of the questions.

  4. Under Position from Top, select the order in which you want the fields to appear, where 1 is the topmost field.

  5. At the bottom of the page, and click OK.

Customize the layout of the home page

  1. On the top link bar, click Site Settings.

  2. Under Web Site Settings, click Customize home page layout.

  3. Drag page elements to the desired position, as shown: