Call this method to set the number of threads in the pool.
int nNumThreads
) throw( );
The requested number of threads in the pool.If nNumThreads is negative, its absolute value will be multiplied by the number of processors in the machine to get the total number of threads.
If nNumThreads is zero, ATLS_DEFAULT_THREADSPERPROC will be multiplied by the number of processors in the machine to get the total number of threads.
Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.
If the number of threads specified is less than the number of threads currently in the pool, the object puts a shutdown message on the queue to be picked up by a waiting thread. When a waiting thread pulls the message off the queue, it notifies the thread pool and exits the thread procedure. This process is repeated until the number of threads in the pool reaches the specified number or until no thread has exited within the period specified by GetTimeout/SetTimeout. In this situation the method will return an HRESULT corresponding to WAIT_TIMEOUT and the pending shutdown message is canceled.
Header: atlutil.h