IATSCTuningSpace interface (tuner.h)
[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]
The IATSCTuningSpace interface is implemented on ATSCTuningSpace objects, which represent any tuning space with an ATSC network type. Microsoft provides a default ATSC tuning space with Windows XP, and also with DirectX 9.0. Third parties such as cable providers may install a custom tuning space using the ITuningSpaceContainer interface. An ATSCTuningSpace object creates tune requests that expose IATSCChannelTuneRequest.
The IATSCTuningSpace interface inherits from IAnalogTVTuningSpace. IATSCTuningSpace also has these types of members:
The IATSCTuningSpace interface has these methods.
IATSCTuningSpace::get_MaxMinorChannel The get_MaxMinorChannel method gets the highest minor channel number for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::get_MaxPhysicalChannel The get_MaxPhysicalChannel method gets the highest physical channel number for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::get_MinMinorChannel The get_MinMinorChannel method gets the lowest minor channel number ever allowed for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::get_MinPhysicalChannel The get_MinPhysicalChannel method sets the lowest physical channel number for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::put_MaxMinorChannel The put_MaxMinorChannel method gets the highest minor channel number for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::put_MaxPhysicalChannel The put_MaxPhysicalChannel method sets the highest physical channel number for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::put_MinMinorChannel The put_MinMinorChannel method sets the lowest minor channel number ever allowed for this tuning space. |
IATSCTuningSpace::put_MinPhysicalChannel The put_MinPhysicalChannel method sets the lowest physical channel number for this tuning space. |
If the minimum and maximum channels are set, and the user specifies a channel that is greater than the maximum, the tuner automatically wraps around to the minimum value.
To set the minimum and maximum major channel, call IAnalogTVTuningSpace::put_MinChannel and IAnalogTVTuningSpace::put_MaxChannel.
To declare the interface identifier (IID) for this interface, use the __uuidof operator: __uuidof(IATSCTuningSpace)
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows�XP [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | None supported |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | tuner.h |