Group Management Functions
The group management functions manage cluster groups.
Adds a dependency between two cluster groups.
Enables a client to cancel a MoveClusterGroup or MoveClusterGroupEx operation that is pending for a group. The group is then returned to its persistent state.
Closes a group handle.
Closes a group enumeration handle.
Closes the enumeration and frees any memory held by the hGroupEnumEx handle.
Enumerates the resources in a group or the nodes that are the preferred owners of a group, returning the name of the resource or node with each call.
Retrieves an item in the enumeration.
Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a group enumeration handle.
Returns the number of elements in the enumeration.
Opens an enumerator for iterating through a group's resources and/or the nodes that are included in its list of preferred owners.
Opens a handle to the group enumeration.
Adds a group to a cluster and returns a handle to the newly added group.
Creates a new cluster group with the options specified in the CLUSTER_CREATE_GROUP_INFO structure in a single operation.
Returns the current state of a group.
Moves a group and all of its resources from one node to another.
Extends the existing MoveClusterGroup method with the addition of flags and a buffer.
Takes a group offline.
Extends the OfflineClusterGroup method. The client can use the flags to control failover policies of the group and the input buffer to send specific instructions for the offline operation to the resources in the target group. For instance, the input buffer can be used to instruct a virtual machine to go offline by saving its state as opposed to shutting down.
Brings a group online.
Brings a group online.
Opens a failover cluster group and returns a handle to it.
Opens a failover cluster group and returns a handle to it.
Removes a dependency between two cluster groups.
Sets the name for a group.
Sets the dependency expression for a cluster group.