Approve a change request using the Enterprise Mode Site List Portal
Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.
Applies to:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)
After a change request is successfully submitted to the pre-defined Approver(s), employees granted the role of App Manager, Group Head, or Administrator, they must approve the changes.
The Approvers get an email stating that a Requester successfully opened, tested, and submitted the change request to the Approvers group. The Approvers can accept or reject a change request.
To approve or reject a change request
The Approver logs onto the Enterprise Mode Site List Portal, All Approvals page.
The Approver can also get to the All Approvals page by clicking Approvals Pending from the left pane.
The Approver clicks the expander arrow (/) to the right side of the change request, showing the list of Approvers and the Approve and Reject buttons.
The Approver reviews the change request, making sure it's correct. If the info is correct, the Approver clicks Approve to approve the change request. If the info seems incorrect, or if the app shouldn't be added to the site list, the Approver clicks Reject.
An email is sent to the Requester, the Approver(s) group, and the Administrator(s) group, with the updated status of the request.
If the change request is sitting in the approval queue for too long, the Requester can send a reminder to the group.
From the My Approvals page, click the checkbox next to the name of each Approver to be reminded, and then click Send reminder.
An email is sent to the selected Approver(s).
The original Requester, the Approver(s) group, and the Administrator(s) group can all view the rejected change request.
To view the rejected change request
In the Enterprise Mode Site List Portal, click Rejected from the left pane.
All rejected change requests appear, with role assignment determining which ones are visible.
After an Approver approves the change request, it must be scheduled for inclusion in the production Enterprise Mode Site List. For the scheduling steps, see the Schedule approved change requests for production using the Enterprise Mode Site List Portal topic.