International banking account number (IBAN)
Country code (two letters) plus check digits (two digits) plus bban number (up to 30 characters)
Pattern must include all of these patterns:
- Two-letter country code
- Two check digits (followed by an optional space)
- 1-7 groups of four letters or digits (can be separated by spaces)
- 1-3 letters or digits
The format for each country/region is slightly different. The IBAN sensitive information type covers these 68 countries:
- ad
- ae
- al
- at
- az
- ba
- be
- bg
- bh
- br
- ch
- cr
- cy
- cz
- de
- dk
- do
- ee
- es
- fi
- fo
- fr
- gb
- ge
- gi
- gl
- gr
- gt
- hr
- hu
- ie
- il
- is
- it
- jo
- kw
- kz
- lb
- li
- lt
- lu
- lv
- mc
- md
- me
- mk
- mr
- mt
- mu
- nl
- no
- pk
- pl
- ps
- pt
- qa
- ro
- rs
- sa
- se
- si
- sk
- sm
- tl
- tn
- tr
- vg
- xk
When keyword highlighting is supported in the contextual summary for a sensitive information type or a trainable classifier, in the Contextual Summary view of activity explorer, the keywords in a document that were matched to a policy are highlighted.
A DLP policy has high confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
- The function
finds content that matches the pattern. - The checksum passes.
<Entity id="e7dc4711-11b7-4cb0-b88b-2c394a771f0e" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_iban" />