
SQL Server 2022: Built-in Query Intelligence (Ep. 3) | Data Exposed

with Anna Hoffman, Bob Ward

In this episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and Bob Ward, take advantage of performance and availability for faster queries and to help ensure business continuity. Accelerate query performance and tuning with no code changes required with new Intelligent Query Processing scenarios and Query Store enhancements.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:54 - Query Store and Intelligent Query Processing
  • 01:42 - Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) NextGen
  • 03:26 - Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization
  • 04:40 - Demo
  • 10:55 - The pain of MAXDOP
  • 11:34 - DOP feedback architecture
  • 12:47 - Summary

SQL Server