UCWA enumerations
Reference pages for UCWA enumerations.
Applies to: Skype for Business 2015
This section lists the enumerated types that are part of UCWA.
- AccessLevel
- ActivePeriod
- AudienceMessaging
- AudienceMuteLock
- AutomaticLeaderAssignment
- Availability
- CallDeclineReason
- CallForwardingState
- CallState
- ContactDeviceType
- ContactType
- ConversationModalityType
- ConversationState
- Direction
- EntryExitAnnouncement
- ErrorCode
- ErrorSubcode
- GenericPolicy
- ImmediateForwardSettingsTarget
- Importance
- InvitationState
- LargeMeetingMode
- LobbyBypassForPhoneUsers
- MediaDirectionType
- MessageFormat
- ModalityType
- NoteType
- OnlineMeetingExtensionType
- OnlineMeetingRel
- PhoneUserAdmission
- PreferredAvailability
- PrivacyRelationshipLevel
- Role
- SimultaneousRingTarget
- SourceNetwork
- Status
- SubscriptionState
- UnansweredCallHandling
- UnansweredCallHandlingTarget
- VideoSourcesAllowed
- AudioTranscriptStatus
- ConversationLogStatus
- ConversationLogType
- ErrorTranscriptReason
- Generic synchronous errors