bthsdpddi.h header
This header is used by bltooth. For more information, see:
bthsdpddi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
PBYTESWAPUINT128 The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUint128 function is used to reverse the byte order of an unsigned 128-bit integer. |
PBYTESWAPUINT64 The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUint64 function is used to reverse the byte order of an unsigned 64-bit integer. |
PBYTESWAPUUID128 The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUuid128 function is used to reverse the byte order of a 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). |
PCONVERTSTREAMTOTREE The Bluetooth SdpConvertStreamToTree function is used to create a Microsoft proprietary tree-based representation of an SDP record, while leaving the original stream-based representation unmodified. |
PCONVERTTREETOSTREAM The Bluetooth SdpConvertTreeToStream function is used to produce a raw bytestream representation of an SDP record from a tree representation. The raw bytestream version is suitable for publication on a local SDP server. |
PGETNEXTELEMENT The Bluetooth SdpGetNextElement function is used to iterate through the entries found in an SDP record stream. |
PRETRIEVEUINT64 The Bluetooth SdpRetrieveUint64 function is used to copy an unaligned 64-bit integer from an SDP stream. |
PRETRIEVEUUID128 The Bluetooth SdpRetrieveUuid128 function is used to copy an unaligned 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID) from an SDP stream. |
PVALIDATESTREAM The Bluetooth SdpValidateStream function is used to parse a raw SDP record and determine if it contains errors. |
BTHDDI_SDP_NODE_INTERFACE The BTHDDI_SDP_NODE_INTERFACE structure provides functions for manipulating SDP records, including converting them to and from a tree representation that profile drivers can more easily parse. |
BTHDDI_SDP_PARSE_INTERFACE The BTHDDI_SDP_PARSE_INTERFACE structure provides functions for parsing SDP records. |