IPrintCorePS2::GetOptions method (prcomoem.h)
The IPrintCorePS2::GetOptions
method retrieves the driver's current feature settings in the format of a list of feature/option keyword pairs.
HRESULT GetOptions(
[in] PDEVOBJ pdevobj,
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] PCZZSTR pmszFeaturesRequested,
[in] DWORD cbIn,
[out] PZZSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf,
[in] DWORD cbSize,
[out] PDWORD pcbNeeded
[in] pdevobj
Pointer to a DEVOBJ structure.
[in] dwFlags
Is reserved and must be set to zero.
[in] pmszFeaturesRequested
Pointer to caller-supplied buffer containing a list of feature keywords (in MULTI_SZ format) whose settings are requested. Set this parameter to NULL to obtain settings for all features.
[in] cbIn
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pmszFeaturesRequested. The size includes the last MULTI_SZ null character.
[out] pmszFeatureOptionBuf
Pointer to a caller-supplied buffer that receives a list of feature/option keyword pairs (in MULTI_SZ format) obtained from the driver settings. Each feature/option keyword pair contains the feature keyword name, a null character, the option keyword name, and another null character. The list is terminated by two NULL characters.
[in] cbSize
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pmszFeatureOptionBuf.
[out] pcbNeeded
Pointer to a memory location that receives the actual size, in bytes, of the requested data.
The method must return one of the following values.
Return code | Description |
The method succeeded. |
The value in cbSize was smaller than the number of bytes to be written to the output buffer (the buffer pointed to by pmszFeatureOptionBuf).
The method was called with pmszFeatureOptionBuf set to NULL. |
The input buffer (the buffer pointed to by pmszFeaturesRequested) was provided, but its contents were not in MULTI_SZ format.
The pdevobj parameter pointed to an invalid driver context object. |
The method is not supported. |
The method failed. |
This method supports both document-sticky and printer-sticky features. It is supported only after the core driver finishes its DrvEnablePDEV processing, which sets up all option settings. A call to IPrintCorePS2::GetOptions
when it is not supported should cause it to return E_NOTIMPL. For example, when the core driver calls a render plug-in's IPrintOemPS::EnablePDEV method, the driver is still occupied with its DrvEnablePDEV processing, so if the plug-in calls IPrintCorePS2::GetOptions
within the plug-in's IPrintOemPS::DevMode method, the plug-in receives the E_NOTIMPL return value. However, because the plug-in's IPrintOemPS::EnablePDEV method is called after the core driver finishes its DrvEnablePDEV processing, the plug-in is able to call IPrintCorePS2::GetOptions
successfully within its IPrintOemPS::EnablePDEV method.
If a requested feature keyword is not recognized, or the feature is recognized but there is currently no option selection for it, the feature is ignored and the feature/option keyword pair is not placed in the output buffer.
To reduce the need to make two calls per data access, pass the method an output buffer of a fixed size (1 KB, for example), and then check the function return value. If the method returns S_OK, the buffer already contains the data of interest. If the method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY, the value in *pcbNeeded is the buffer size needed to hold the data of interest. The caller should then allocate a buffer of that larger size and proceed with a second call to the method.
This method is supported for any Pscript5 render plug-in.
For more information, see Using GetOptions and SetOptions.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | prcomoem.h (include Prcomoem.h) |