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Overview of the WPF Bitmap Effects technology.
To develop WPF Bitmap Effects, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
_NewEnum Retrieves a new enumeration. |
Add Adds an effect to the IMILBitmapEffectGroup. |
AddBackLink IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnectorImpl::AddBackLink method |
ConnectTo Connects the input connector to the given output connector. |
CreateContext Creates an IMILBitmapEffectRenderContext object. |
CreateEffect Creates an IMILBitmapEffect object. |
CreateEffectOuter Creates an outer IMILBitmapEffect object. |
DirtyRegion Invalidates the specified region of the given IMILBitmapEffectPrimitive. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of items in the enumeration. |
get_Parent Retrieves the parent effect group of enumeration. |
GetAffineMatrix Retrieves the affine transformation matrix for the effect. |
GetBitmapEffect Gets the IMILBitmapEffect associated with the connector. |
GetChildren Gets the children of the effect group. |
GetConnection Gets the IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnector the input connector is connected to. |
GetConnection Gets the IMILBitmapEffectInputConnector associated with the output connector. |
GetFinalTransform Gets the final MILMatrixF transform. |
GetFormat Retrieves the pixel format for the given pin. |
GetIndex Retrieves the zero based index value for the pin. |
GetInputBitmapSource Gets the input bitmap source of the effect of the given render context. |
GetInputConnector Retrieves the input connector associated with the given pin index. |
GetInputConnector Gets the IMILBitmapEffectInputConnector associated with the interior connector. |
GetInputConnectorInfo Retrieves the IMILBitmapEffectConnectorInfo associated with the given input pin. |
GetInputSource Retrieves the input IWICBitmapSource Interface. |
GetInputSourceBounds Gets the bounds of the input source. |
GetInteriorInputConnector Retrieves the input connector for an effect at the given index. |
GetInteriorOutputConnector Retrieves the output connector for an effect at the given index. |
GetNumberChildren Retrieves the number of children in an effect group. |
GetNumberConnections Retrieves the number of connections the output connector has. |
GetNumberFormats Retrieves the number of pixel formats supported by the pin. |
GetNumberInputs Retrieves the number of input pins the bitmap effect implements. |
GetNumberOutputs Retrieves the number of output pins the bitmap effect implements. |
GetOptimalFormat Retrieves the optimal pixel format for the pin. |
GetOutput Gets the output of the effect. |
GetOutput Performs pixel processing for the bitmap effect. |
GetOutputBitmapSource Gets the output bitmap source of the effect of the given render context. |
GetOutputBounds Gets the output bounds of the render context. |
GetOutputConnector Retrieves the output connector associated with the given pin index. |
GetOutputConnector Gets the IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnector associated with the interior output connector. |
GetOutputConnectorInfo Retrieves the IMILBitmapEffectConnectorInfo associated with the given output pin. |
GetOutputDPI Gets the output dots per inch (dpi). |
GetOutputPixelFormat Gets the output pixel format GUID. |
GetParentEffect Gets a parent of the effect. |
GetTransform Gets the matrix transform of the render context. |
GetUseSoftwareRenderer Gets a value that indicates whether to use software rendering. |
HasAffineTransform Determines whether the effect has an affine transform. |
HasInverseTransform Determines whether the effect has an inverse transform. |
Initialize Initializes the effect with the given object. |
IsConnected Determines whether the connector is connected to an effect. |
IsDirty Determines whether the effect needs to be updated. |
IsInPlaceModificationAllowed Determines whether the effect allows in-place modifications. |
IsVolatile Determines whether the current effect is considered volatile. If an effect is volatile, the effects framework will not attempt to cache the effect's output. |
Item Retrieves the effect at the given index. |
Preprocess Pre-process the given render context. |
PropertyChange Notifies an IMILBitmapEffectPrimitive of a property change. |
RemoveBackLink IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnectorImpl::RemoveBackLink method |
SetInitialTransform Gets the initial MILMatrixF transform. |
SetInputSource Sets the effect input source. |
SetOutputDPI Sets the output dots per inch (dpi). |
SetOutputPixelFormat Sets the output pixel format. |
SetParentEffect Sets the parent of the effect. |
SetRegionOfInterest Sets the region of interest for the effect. |
SetUseSoftwareRenderer Sets a value to indicate whether to use software rendering. |
TransformPoint Transforms the given point. |
TransformRect Transforms the output of the given rectangle. |
UpdateOutputBounds Updates the output bounds with the given region. |
UpdateTransform Updates the output transform with the new matrix. |
IMILBitmapEffect Exposes methods that define a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) bitmap effect. |
IMILBitmapEffectConnections Exposes methods used to retrieve input and output connectors exposed by the bitmap effect. |
IMILBitmapEffectConnectionsInfo Exposes methods that retrieves information about what input and output pins are exposed by the bitmap effect. |
IMILBitmapEffectConnector Exposes methods that define an effect output pin. |
IMILBitmapEffectConnectorInfo Exposes methods that retrieve information about a specific input or output connector pin. |
IMILBitmapEffectEvents Exposes methods that define an effect event. |
IMILBitmapEffectFactory Exposes methods used to create Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Microsoft Win32 bitmap effect objects. |
IMILBitmapEffectGroup Exposes methods used to access a group of effects. |
IMILBitmapEffectGroupImpl Exposes methods that define an effect group. |
IMILBitmapEffectImpl Exposes methods that define an out IMILBitmapEffect object. |
IMILBitmapEffectInputConnector Exposes methods that define an input connect. |
IMILBitmapEffectInteriorInputConnector Exposes methods that define an interior input connector. |
IMILBitmapEffectInteriorOutputConnector Exposes methods that define an interior output connector. |
IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnector Exposes methods that define an output connector. (IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnector) |
IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnectorImpl Exposes methods that define an output connector. (IMILBitmapEffectOutputConnectorImpl) |
IMILBitmapEffectPrimitive Exposes methods that create a bitmap effect's output. This interface must be implemented to create third party Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) bitmap effects. |
IMILBitmapEffectPrimitiveImpl Exposes methods that report the state of a bitmap effect. This interface must be implemented to create third party Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) bitmap effects. |
IMILBitmapEffectRenderContext Exposes methods that define a IMILBitmapEffectRenderContext object. |
IMILBitmapEffectRenderContextImpl Exposes methods that define a IMILBitmapEffectRenderContext. |
IMILBitmapEffects Exposes methods that define an enumeration of effects. |
MilMatrix3x2D Represents a 3x3 matrix. |
MILMatrixF Represents a 4x4 affine transformation matrix. |
MilPoint2D Represents an x- and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space.M |
MilRectD Describes the width, height, and location of a rectangle.M |
Learning path
Implement finance and operations apps - Training
Plan and design your project methodology to successfully implement finance and operations apps with FastTrack services, data management and more.