Sensor API
Overview of the Sensor API technology.
The Sensor API technology is not associated with any headers.
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
MagnetometerAccuracy Specifies the accuracy of the magnetometer. |
SensorConnectionType Defines types of sensor device connections. |
SensorState Defines possible operational states for sensors. |
Add Adds a sensor to the collection. |
CheckLocationCapability Gets the location capability of the Windows Store app of the given thread. |
Clear Empties the sensor collection. |
GetAt Retrieves the sensor at the specified index in the collection. |
GetCategory Retrieves the identifier of the sensor category. |
GetCount Retrieves the count of sensors in the collection. |
GetData Retrieves the most recent sensor data report. |
GetEventInterest Retrieves the current event interest settings. |
GetFriendlyName Retrieves the sensor name that is intended to be seen by the user. |
GetGlobalLocationPermission Gets the status of the system setting that allows users to change location settings. |
GetID Retrieves the unique identifier of the sensor. |
GetProperties Retrieves multiple sensor properties. |
GetProperty Retrieves a property value. |
GetSensorByID Retrieves a pointer to the specified sensor. |
GetSensorsByCategory Retrieves a collection containing all sensors associated with the specified category. |
GetSensorsByType Retrieves a collection containing all sensors associated with the specified type. |
GetSensorValue Retrieves a single data field value from the data report. |
GetSensorValues Retrieves a collection of data field values. |
GetState Retrieves the current operational state of the sensor. |
GetSupportedDataFields Retrieves a set of PROPERTYKEYs that represent the data fields the sensor can provide. |
GetTimestamp Retrieves the time at which the data report was created. |
GetType Retrieves the sensor type ID. |
OnDataUpdated Provides sensor event data. |
OnEvent Provides custom event notifications. |
OnLeave Provides notification that a sensor device is no longer connected. |
OnSensorEnter Provides notification when a sensor device is connected. |
OnStateChanged Provides a notification that a sensor state has changed. |
Remove Removes a sensor from the collection. The sensor is specified by a pointer to the ISensor interface to be removed. |
RemoveByID Removes a sensor from the collection. The sensor to be removed is specified by its ID. |
RequestPermissions Opens a system dialog box to request user permission to access sensor data. |
SetEventInterest Specifies the list of sensor events to receive. |
SetEventSink Specifies the interface through which to receive sensor event notifications. |
SetEventSink Specifies the interface through which to receive sensor manager event notifications. |
SetProperties Specifies sensor properties. |
SupportsDataField Indicates whether the sensor supports the specified data field. |
SupportsEvent Indicates whether the sensor supports the specified event. |
ILocationPermissions Provides the status of the system setting that allows users to change location settings. |
ISensor Represents a sensor. |
ISensorCollection Represents a collection of sensors, such as all the sensors connected to a computer. |
ISensorDataReport Represents a sensor data report. Sensor data reports contain data field values generated by a sensor and a time stamp that indicates when the data report was created. |
ISensorEvents The callback interface you must implement if you want to receive sensor events. |
ISensorManager Provides methods for discovering and retrieving available sensors and a method to request sensor manager events. |
ISensorManagerEvents The callback interface for receiving sensor manager events. |