appmgmt.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
appmgmt.h contains the following programming interfaces:
GetLocalManagedApplications The GetLocalManagedApplications function can be run on the target computer to get a list of managed applications on that computer. |
GetManagedApplicationCategories The GetManagedApplicationCategories function gets a list of application categories for a domain. The list is the same for all users in the domain. |
GetManagedApplications The GetManagedApplications function gets a list of applications that are displayed in the Add pane of Add/Remove Programs (ARP) for a specified user context. |
InstallApplication The InstallApplication function can install applications that have been deployed to target users that belong to a domain. |
UninstallApplication The UninstallApplication function uninstalls a group policy application that handles setup and installation using Windows Installer .msi files. |
APPCATEGORYINFO Provides application category information to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. The APPCATEGORYINFOLIST structure is used create a complete list of categories for an application publisher. |
APPCATEGORYINFOLIST Provides a list of supported application categories from an application publisher to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. |
INSTALLDATA The INSTALLDATA structure specifies a group-policy application to be installed by InstallApplication. |
INSTALLSPEC The INSTALLSPEC structure specifies a group policy application by its user-friendly name and group policy GUID or by its file name extension. The Spec member of the INSTALLDATA structure provides this information to the InstallApplication function. |
LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION The LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION structure describes a managed application installed for a user or a computer. Returned by the GetLocalManagedApplications function. |
MANAGEDAPPLICATION The MANAGEDAPPLICATION structure contains information about an application. The function GetManagedApplications returns an array of MANAGEDAPPLICATION structures. |
INSTALLSPECTYPE The INSTALLSPECTYPE enumeration values define the ways a group policy application can be specified to the InstallApplication function. The values are used in the Type member of INSTALLDATA. |