audiopolicy.h header
This header is used by Core Audio APIs. For more information, see:
audiopolicy.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAudioSessionControl The IAudioSessionControl interface enables a client to configure the control parameters for an audio session and to monitor events in the session. |
IAudioSessionControl2 The IAudioSessionControl2 interface can be used by a client to get information about the audio session. |
IAudioSessionEnumerator The IAudioSessionEnumerator interface enumerates audio sessions on an audio device. |
IAudioSessionEvents The IAudioSessionEvents interface provides notifications of session-related events such as changes in the volume level, display name, and session state. |
IAudioSessionManager The IAudioSessionManager interface enables a client to access the session controls and volume controls for both cross-process and process-specific audio sessions. |
IAudioSessionManager2 The IAudioSessionManager2 interface enables an application to manage submixes for the audio device. |
IAudioSessionNotification The IAudioSessionNotification interface provides notification when an audio session is created. |
IAudioVolumeDuckNotification The IAudioVolumeDuckNotification interface is used to by the system to send notifications about stream attenuation changes.Stream Attenuation, or ducking, is a feature introduced in Windows 7, where the system adjusts the volume of a non-communication stream when a new communication stream is opened. For more information about this feature, see Default Ducking Experience. |