avrfsdk.h header
This header is used by Developer Notes. For more information, see:
avrfsdk.h contains the following programming interfaces:
VerifierEnumerateResource Enumerates operating system resources for use by debugging and support tools. |
VerifierIsPerUserSettingsEnabled Determines whether Application Verifier can use per-user settings. |
AVRF_HANDLEOPERATION_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Receives information related to the enumeration of handle traces. |
AVRF_HEAPALLOCATION_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Receives information related to heap allocations. |
AVRF_RESOURCE_ENUMERATE_CALLBACK Provides access to one of the specialized callback functions for enumeration of either heap allocation or handle trace information. |
AVRF_BACKTRACE_INFORMATION Contains information about backtraces performed. |
AVRF_HANDLE_OPERATION Contains information required to collect handle trace information. |
AVRF_HEAP_ALLOCATION Stores metadata information about heap allocation. |
eAvrfResourceTypes Specifies the types of resources that can be enumerated using the VerifierEnumerateResource function. |
eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS Identifies the type of handle operation that has occurred. |
eHeapAllocationState Specifies the current heap allocation state. |
eHeapEnumerationLevel Determines whether the enumeration operation should continue or stop. |
eUserAllocationState Specifies the application's current heap allocation state. |