azroles.h header
This header is used by Security and Identity. For more information, see:
azroles.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAzApplication Defines an installed instance of an application. An IAzApplication object is created when an application is installed. |
IAzApplication2 Inherits from the IAzApplication interface and implements additional methods to initialize IAzClientContext2 objects. |
IAzApplication3 Provides methods to manage IAzRoleAssignment, IAzRoleDefinition, and IAzScope2 objects. |
IAzApplicationGroup Defines a collection of principals. |
IAzApplicationGroup2 Extends the IAzApplicationGroup interface by adding support for the BizRule group type. |
IAzApplicationGroups Represents a collection of IAzApplicationGroup objects. |
IAzApplications Represents a collection of IAzApplication objects. |
IAzAuthorizationStore Defines the container that is the root of the authorization policy store. |
IAzAuthorizationStore2 Inherits from the AzAuthorizationStore object and implements methods to create and open IAzApplication2 objects. |
IAzAuthorizationStore3 Extends the IAzAuthorizationStore2 interface with methods that manage business rule (BizRule) support and caching. |
IAzBizRuleContext Contains information about a Business Rule (BizRule) operation. |
IAzBizRuleInterfaces Provides methods and properties used to manage a list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
IAzBizRuleParameters Provides methods and properties used to manage a list of parameters that can be passed to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
IAzClientContext Maintains the state that describes a particular client. |
IAzClientContext2 Inherits from the IAzClientContext interface and implements new methods that manipulate the client context. |
IAzClientContext3 Extends the IAzClientContext2 interface. |
IAzNameResolver Translates security identifiers (SIDs) into principal display names. |
IAzObjectPicker Displays a dialog box that allows users to select one or more principals from a list. |
IAzOperation Defines a low-level operation supported by an application. |
IAzOperation2 Extends the IAzOperation with a method that returns the role assignments associated with the operation. |
IAzOperations Represents a collection of IAzOperation objects. |
IAzPrincipalLocator Locates and chooses ADAM principals in Authorization Manager. |
IAzRole Defines the set of operations that can be performed by a set of users within a scope. |
IAzRoleAssignment Represents a role to which users and groups can be assigned. |
IAzRoleAssignments Represents a collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects. |
IAzRoleDefinition Represents one or more IAzRoleDefinition, IAzTask, and IAzOperation objects that specify a set of operations. |
IAzRoleDefinitions Represents a collection of IAzRoleDefinition objects. |
IAzRoles Represents a collection of IAzRole objects. |
IAzScope Defines a logical container of resources to which the application manages access. |
IAzScope2 Extends the IAzScope interface to manage IAzRoleAssignment and IAzRoleDefinition objects. |
IAzScopes Represents a collection of IAzScope objects. |
IAzTask Describes a set of operations. |
IAzTask2 Extends the IAzTask interface with a method that returns the role assignments associated with the task. |
IAzTasks Represents a collection of IAzTask objects. |
AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS Defines constants used by Authorization Manager. |