bits.h header
This header is used by Background Intelligent Transfer Service. For more information, see:
bits.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IBackgroundCopyCallback Implement the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface to receive notification that a job is complete, has been modified, or is in error. Clients use this interface instead of polling for the status of the job. |
IBackgroundCopyError Use the IBackgroundCopyError interface to determine the cause of an error and if the transfer process can proceed. |
IBackgroundCopyFile IBackgroundCopyFile contains information about a file that is part of a job. For example, you can use IBackgroundCopyFile methods to retrieve the local and remote names of the file and transfer progress information. |
IBackgroundCopyJob Use the IBackgroundCopyJob interface to add files to the job, set the priority level of the job, determine the state of the job, and to start and stop the job. |
IBackgroundCopyManager Creates transfer jobs, retrieves an enumerator object that contains the jobs in the queue, and retrieves individual jobs from the queue. |
IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles Use the IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles interface to enumerate the files that a job contains. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyJob::EnumFiles method. |
IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs Use the IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs interface to enumerate the list of jobs in the transfer queue. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyManager::EnumJobs method. |
BG_FILE_INFO Provides the local and remote names of the file to transfer. |
BG_FILE_PROGRESS Provides file-related progress information, such as the number of bytes transferred. |
BG_JOB_PROGRESS Provides job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred. |
BG_JOB_TIMES Provides job-related time stamps. |
BG_ERROR_CONTEXT Defines constants that specify the context in which the error occurred. |
BG_JOB_PRIORITY Defines constants that specify the priority level of a job. |
BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE Defines constants that specify which proxy to use for file transfers. You can define different proxy settings for each job. |
BG_JOB_STATE Defines constants that specify the different states of a job. |
BG_JOB_TYPE Defines constants that specify the type of transfer job, such as download. |