cryptxml.h header
This header is used by Security and Identity. For more information, see:
cryptxml.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CryptXmlAddObject Adds the Object element to the Signature in the Document Context opened for encoding. |
CryptXmlClose Closes a cryptographic XML object handle. |
CryptXmlCreateReference Creates a reference to an XML signature. |
CryptXmlDigestReference Is used by an application to digest the resolved reference. This function applies transforms before updating the digest. |
CryptXmlEncode Encodes signature data by using the supplied XML writer callback function. |
CryptXmlGetAlgorithmInfo Decodes the CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM structure and returns information about the algorithm. |
CryptXmlGetDocContext Returns the document context specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetReference Returns the Reference element specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetSignature Returns an XML Signature element. |
CryptXmlGetStatus Returns a CRYPT_XML_STATUS structure that contains status information about the object specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetTransforms Returns information about the default transform chain engine. |
CryptXmlImportPublicKey Imports the public key specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlOpenToDecode Opens an XML digital signature to decode and returns the handle of the document context that encapsulates a CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE structure. The document context can include one or more Signature elements. |
CryptXmlOpenToEncode Opens an XML digital signature to encode and returns a handle of the opened Signature element. The handle encapsulates a document context with a single CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE structure and remains open until the CryptXmlClose function is called. |
CryptXmlSetHMACSecret Sets the HMAC secret on the handle before calling the CryptXmlSign or CryptXmlVerify function. |
CryptXmlSign Creates a cryptographic signature of a SignedInfo element. |
CryptXmlVerifySignature Performs a cryptographic signature validation of a SignedInfo element. |
CryptXmlDllCloseDigest Frees the CRYPT_XML_DIGEST allocated by the CryptXmlDllCreateDigest function. |
CryptXmlDllCreateDigest Creates a digest object for the specified method. |
CryptXmlDllCreateKey Parses the KeyValue element and creates a Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) BCrypt key handle to verify a signature. |
CryptXmlDllDigestData Puts data into the digest. |
CryptXmlDllEncodeAlgorithm Encodes SignatureMethod or DigestMethod elements for agile algorithms with default parameters. |
CryptXmlDllEncodeKeyValue Encodes a KeyValue element. |
CryptXmlDllFinalizeDigest Retrieves the digest value. |
CryptXmlDllGetAlgorithmInfo Decodes the XML algorithm and returns information about the algorithm. |
CryptXmlDllGetInterface Retrieves a pointer to the cryptographic extension functions for the specified algorithm. |
CryptXmlDllSignData Signs data. (CryptXmlDllSignData) |
CryptXmlDllVerifySignature Verifies a signature. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_CREATE_TRANSFORM Creates a transform for a specified data provider. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_DATA_PROVIDER_CLOSE Releases the data provider. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_ENUM_ALG_INFO Enumerates predefined and registered CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM_INFO entries. |
CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM Specifies the algorithm used to sign or transform the message. |
CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM_INFO Contains algorithm information. |
CRYPT_XML_BLOB Contains an arbitrary array of bytes. |
CRYPT_XML_CRYPTOGRAPHIC_INTERFACE Exposes the implemented CryptXML functions. |
CRYPT_XML_DATA_BLOB Contains XML encoded data. |
CRYPT_XML_DATA_PROVIDER Specifies the interface to the XML data provider. |
CRYPT_XML_DOC_CTXT Defines document context information. |
CRYPT_XML_ISSUER_SERIAL Contains an X.509 issued distinguished name�serial number pair. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_DSA_KEY_VALUE Defines a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_DSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as an element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_ECDSA_KEY_VALUE Defines an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_ECDSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as an element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_INFO Encapsulates key information data. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_INFO_ITEM Encapsulates key information data that corresponds to a KeyInfo element. The KeyInfo element enables the recipient to obtain the key needed to validate the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_RSA_KEY_VALUE Defines an RSA key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_RSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE Contains a single public key that may be useful in validating the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_PARAM Is used by the CryptXmlSign function to specify the members of the KeyInfo element to be encoded. |
CRYPT_XML_OBJECT Describes an Object element in the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY Contains information about a CryptXML property. |
CRYPT_XML_REFERENCE Contains information used to populate the Reference element. |
CRYPT_XML_REFERENCES Defines an array of CRYPT_XML_REFERENCE structures. |
CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE Contains information used to populate the Signature element. |
CRYPT_XML_SIGNED_INFO Describes an XML encoded SignedInfo element. |
CRYPT_XML_STATUS Returns information about the signature validation status, summary status information about a SignedInfo element, or summary status information about an array of Reference elements. |
CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_CHAIN_CONFIG Contains application defined transforms that are allowed for use in the XML digital signature. |
CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_INFO Contains information that is used when applying the data transform. |
CRYPT_XML_X509DATA Represents the sequence of choices in the X509Data element. |
CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_ITEM Represents X.509 data that is to be encoded in an X509Data named element. |
CRYPT_XML_CHARSET Used to specify the character set used in the XML. |
CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC Specifies values for the dwKeyInfoSpec parameter in the CryptXmlSign function. |
CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID Specifies the type and usage of the XML property. |