cscobj.h header
This header is used by Offline Files. For more information, see:
cscobj.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumOfflineFilesItems Represents a collection of IOfflineFilesItem interface pointers. |
IEnumOfflineFilesSettings Enumerates setting objects associated with the Offline Files service. |
IOfflineFilesCache Used to manage the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesCache2 Implements the RenameItemEx method. |
IOfflineFilesChangeInfo Represents the information associated with local changes made to an item while working offline. |
IOfflineFilesConnectionInfo Presents query and action capabilities associated with the online-offline transition behavior of Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesDirectoryItem Represents a directory item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesDirtyInfo Represents information about an unsynchronized ("dirty") file in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesErrorInfo Provides a text description and raw data block associated with an error. |
IOfflineFilesEvents Used to report significant events associated with Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesEvents2 Used to report additional events associated with Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesEvents3 Used to report events associated with transparently cached items. |
IOfflineFilesEventsFilter Provides a mechanism for recipients of published events to restrict the number of event instances they receive. |
IOfflineFilesFileItem Represents a file item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesFileSysInfo Represents the standard information associated with a file system item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesGhostInfo Represents the ghosting status of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItem Represents a single item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItemContainer Used to access item enumeration functionality in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItemFilter Represents an instance of a filter to be applied to an enumeration. |
IOfflineFilesPinInfo Represents the pinned status of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesPinInfo2 Defines a method to determine whether an item in the Offline Files cache is partly pinned. |
IOfflineFilesProgress Used to report progress back to callers of lengthy Offline Files operations. (IOfflineFilesProgress) |
IOfflineFilesServerItem Represents a server item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSetting Represents a setting that controls the behavior the Offline Files service. |
IOfflineFilesShareInfo Presents share-specific information about cached items. |
IOfflineFilesShareItem Represents a share item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress Used to report progress back to callers of lengthy Offline Files operations. (IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress) |
IOfflineFilesSuspend Suspends or releases a share root or directory tree in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSuspendInfo Determines whether an item is suspended or not and, if so, if it is a suspended root or not. |
IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler Used by a client calling the IOfflineFilesCache::Synchronize method to prescribe a conflict resolution strategy for sync conflicts as they are detected. |
IOfflineFilesSyncErrorInfo Supplied with the IOfflineFilesSyncProgress::SyncItemResult method to communicate details about the item that experienced a sync error. |
IOfflineFilesSyncErrorItemInfo Provides file attributes, time information, and file size for an item associated with a sync error. |
IOfflineFilesSyncProgress Used to report progress back to the caller during synchronization and synchronization-related operations. |
IOfflineFilesTransparentCacheInfo Represents information associated with transparently cached items. |
OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE Describes the caching mode used in methods such as IOfflineFilesCache::IsPathCacheable and IOfflineFilesShareInfo::GetShareCachingMode. |
OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE Specifies the type of comparison to perform in the IOfflineFilesItemFilter::GetTimeFilter method. |
OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE Describes the connection state of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS Event identifier codes describing events to be received or excluded by an event sink. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY Specifies whether the local, remote, or original copy of an item is being queried. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME Specifies which time value associated with the cache item is to be used. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE Identifies the type of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON Indicates the reason why an item is offline. |
OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE Specifies whether to continue, retry, or stop processing items. |
OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH Specifies how closely an event must match a filter. |
OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE Identifies the data type returned by the IOfflineFilesSetting::GetValueType method. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE Identifies the conflict resolution code returned by the IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler::ResolveConflict method. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION Indicates the type of sync operation that was being performed when a sync error was encountered. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE Describes the sync state of an Offline Files item. |