ddraw.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
ddraw.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDirectDraw7 Applications use the methods of the IDirectDraw7 interface to create DirectDraw objects and work with system-level variables. This section is a reference to the methods of the IDirectDraw7 interface. |
IDirectDrawClipper Applications use the methods of the IDirectDrawClipper interface to manage clip lists. This section is a reference to the methods of this interface. |
IDirectDrawColorControl Applications use the methods of the IDirectDrawColorControl interface to get and set color controls. |
IDirectDrawGammaControl Applications use the methods of the IDirectDrawGammaControl interface to adjust the red, green, and blue gamma ramp levels of the primary surface. This section is a reference to the methods of this interface. |
IDirectDrawPalette Applications use the methods of the IDirectDrawPalette interface to create DirectDrawPalette objects and work with system-level variables. This section is a reference to the methods of this interface. |
IDirectDrawSurface7 Applications use the methods of the IDirectDrawSurface7 interface to create DirectDrawSurface objects and work with system-level variables. This section is a reference to the methods of this interface. |
DirectDrawCreate Creates an instance of a DirectDraw object. |
DirectDrawCreateClipper Creates an instance of a DirectDrawClipper object that is not associated with a DirectDraw object. |
DirectDrawCreateEx Creates an instance of a DirectDraw object that supports the set of Direct3D interfaces in DirectX 7.0. To use the features of Direct3D in DirectX 7.0, create a DirectDraw object with this function. |
DirectDrawEnumerateA This function is superseded by the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function. (ANSI) |
DirectDrawEnumerateExA Enumerates all DirectDraw devices that are installed on the computer. The NULL entry always identifies the primary display device that is shared with GDI. (ANSI) |
DirectDrawEnumerateExW Enumerates all DirectDraw devices that are installed on the computer. The NULL entry always identifies the primary display device that is shared with GDI. (Unicode) |
DirectDrawEnumerateW This function is superseded by the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function. (Unicode) |
LPDDENUMCALLBACKA The DDEnumCallback function is an application-defined callback function for the DirectDrawEnumerate function. (ANSI) |
LPDDENUMCALLBACKEXA The DDEnumCallbackEx function is an application-defined callback function for the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function. (ANSI) |
LPDDENUMCALLBACKEXW The DDEnumCallbackEx function is an application-defined callback function for the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function. (Unicode) |
LPDDENUMCALLBACKW The DDEnumCallback function is an application-defined callback function for the DirectDrawEnumerate function. (Unicode) |
LPDDENUMMODESCALLBACK Do not use. This callback function is superseded by the EnumModesCallback2 function that is used with the IDirectDraw7::EnumDisplayModes method. |
LPDDENUMMODESCALLBACK2 The EnumModesCallback2 function is an application-defined callback function for the IDirectDraw7::EnumDisplayModes method. |
LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK The LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK function (ddraw.h) is superseded by the EnumSurfacesCallback7 function. |
LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK2 The LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK2 function (ddraw.h) is superseded by the EnumSurfacesCallback7 function. |
LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK7 The EnumSurfacesCallback7 function is an application-defined callback function for the IDirectDrawSurface7::EnumAttachedSurfaces and IDirectDrawSurface7::EnumOverlayZOrders methods. |
DDCOLORCONTROL The DDCOLORCONTROL structure defines the color controls associated with a Microsoft DirectDraw video port extensions (VPE) object. |
DDSURFACEDESC The DDSURFACEDESC structure contains a description of a surface to be created by the driver. |
DDSURFACEDESC2 The DDSURFACEDESC2 structure contains a description of a surface to be created by the driver. |
DDBLTBATCH The DDBLTBATCH structure passes bit block transfer (bitblt) operations to the IDirectDrawSurface7::BltBatch method. |
DDBLTFX The DDBLTFX structure passes raster operations (ROPs), effects, and override information to the IDirectDrawSurface7::Blt method. This structure is also part of the DDBLTBATCH structure that is used with the IDirectDrawSurface7::BltBatch method. |
DDCAPS_DX3 The DDCAPS_DX3 structure (ddraw.h) represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object. |
DDCAPS_DX5 The DDCAPS_DX5 structure (ddraw.h) represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object. |
DDCAPS_DX6 The DDCAPS_DX6 structure (ddraw.h) represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object. |
DDCAPS_DX7 The DDCAPS_DX7 structure (ddraw.h) represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object. |
DDCOLORKEY The DDCOLORKEY structure describes a source color key, destination color key, or color space. |
DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 The DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 structure is passed to the IDirectDraw7::GetDeviceIdentifier method to obtain information about a device. |
DDGAMMARAMP The DDGAMMARAMP structure contains red, green, and blue ramp data for the IDirectDrawGammaControl::GetGammaRamp and IDirectDrawGammaControl::SetGammaRamp methods. |
DDOVERLAYFX The DDOVERLAYFX structure passes overlay information to the IDirectDrawSurface7::UpdateOverlay method. |
DDPIXELFORMAT The DDPIXELFORMAT structure describes the pixel format of a DirectDrawSurface object for the IDirectDrawSurface7::GetPixelFormat method. |
DDSCAPS The DDSCAPS structure defines the capabilities of a Microsoft DirectDraw surface object. |
DDSCAPS2 The DDSCAPS2 structure defines additional capabilities of a Microsoft DirectDraw surface object. |