In this article
This header is used by System Services. For more information, see:
debugapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Expand table
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent Determines whether the specified process is being debugged.
ContinueDebugEvent Enables a debugger to continue a thread that previously reported a debugging event.
DebugActiveProcess Enables a debugger to attach to an active process and debug it.
DebugActiveProcessStop Stops the debugger from debugging the specified process.
DebugBreak Causes a breakpoint exception to occur in the current process. This allows the calling thread to signal the debugger to handle the exception.
IsDebuggerPresent Determines whether the calling process is being debugged by a user-mode debugger.
OutputDebugStringA Sends a string to the debugger for display. (ANSI)
OutputDebugStringW Sends a string to the debugger for display. (Unicode)
WaitForDebugEvent Waits for a debugging event to occur in a process being debugged. (WaitForDebugEvent)
WaitForDebugEventEx Waits for a debugging event to occur in a process being debugged. (WaitForDebugEventEx)