eaptypes.h header
This header is used by Extensible Authentication Protocol Host. For more information, see:
eaptypes.h contains the following programming interfaces:
EAP_ATTRIBUTE Contains an EAP attribute. |
EAP_ATTRIBUTES Contains an array of EAP attributes. |
EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_ARRAY Contains a set of EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_DATA structures that collectively contain the user input field data obtained from the user. |
EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_DATA Contains the data associated with a single input field. |
EAP_CRED_EXPIRY_REQ Contains both the old and new EAP credentials for credential expiry operations. |
EAP_ERROR Contains information about an error that occurred during an EAPHost operation. |
EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA Contains configuration information for interactive UI components raised on an EAP supplicant. |
EAP_METHOD_INFO Contains information about an EAP method. (EAP_METHOD_INFO) |
EAP_METHOD_INFO_ARRAY Contains information on EAP methods installed on the client computer. |
EAP_METHOD_INFO_ARRAY_EX Contains information about all of the EAP methods installed on the client computer. |
EAP_METHOD_INFO_EX Contains information about an EAP method. (EAP_METHOD_INFO_EX) |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY Contains an EAP method property. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_ARRAY Contains an array of EAP method properties. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE Contains the value of an EAP method property. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_BOOL Contains a Boolean value of an EAP method property. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_DWORD Contains the DWORD value of an EAP method property. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_STRING Contains the string value of an EAP method property. |
EAP_METHOD_TYPE Contains type, identification, and author information about an EAP method. |
EAP_TYPE Contains type and vendor identification information for an EAP method. |
EAP_UI_DATA_FORMAT The EAP_UI_DATA_FORMAT union specifies the value of the attribute stored in the pbUiData member of the EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA structure. |
EapCertificateCredential Contains information about the certificate that the EAP method uses for authentication. |
EapCredential Contains information about the credentials type and the appropriate credentials. This is passed as an input to the EapPeerGetConfigBlobAndUserBlob API. |
EapSimCredential Contains information about the SIM that is used by the EAP method for authentication. |
EapUsernamePasswordCredential Contains the username and password that is used by the EAP method for authenticating the user. |
EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE Defines the set of possible EAP attribute types available on an authenticating entity. |
EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE Defines a set of possible input field types available when querying for user credentials. |
EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE Specifies the set of types of interactive UI context data supplied to certain supplicant API calls. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE Specifies the set of possible EAP method properties. |
EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE Defines the set of possible data types for an EAP method property value. |
EapCredentialType Defines the set of possible EAP credentials that can be passed to the EapPeerGetConfigBlobAndUserBlob function. |